After using my Whitestrips..

vm, i looked at this thread and im just like, omfg..
what a coincidence..
i just started using them 4 days ago, and have them in my mouth as we speak

in just the 4 days, i notice the difference.. a big difference

it definately does work for all u skeptics out there
xsMaster said:
i couldnt stand them. they were too thin to fit on my teeth...meaning, only tiny lip of the strip would wrap to the back, so it would keep slipping off. they whole 30 minutes i was busy fixing it. on top of that, i have a permanant bottom retainer, which kept a seel from being made. they just kept slipping off.

Same problem with bottem teeth. I decided I didnt want 1 row all white, and 1 row not white, so I only used it for like a day.
Interesting... I have a box of these crest whitestrips I was planning on starting on tomorrow or the day after that.
the only thing i thought sucked was the gel left after you take it off.. i had to wipe it off with a tissue if i didnt have access to a drink at the time.
how many teeth do they cover? when you smile can you still see some yellowish teeth?

seems like they would only cover the first four or five teeth
for me they covered 6 teeth on the front.. when i smile you only see those 6, unless I really make a big grin, even then there's shadows from the mouth/lips, its not like it really shows/matters.
Colgate Total + Whitening works as well (albeit not as fast, but it works).

I got that instead of the strips when I got my braces off last October. Much cheaper. :p

I've noticed a significant brightening of my teeth since I've been using it.
If you have sensitive teeth to begin with stay far, far away from those things. I tried them and wasn't able to drink anything hot or cold for a week. I also had to switch toothpaste after that to a sensitive teeth brand. Fucked me up good.
My only beef is that if you have a big smile and use the white strips you have a nice gradient of pearly white to a golden yellow. Well, not that bad, but I notice it since the strips only cover to the start of your premolars. I notice in the mirror that you see a difference of shades between the front six and everything behind them. Maybe I should blame myself for not taking care of my teeth and diet to begin with (lots o soda).

doesnt vm preach morals in all the political threads but when it comes time for his own personal morals he feels its ok to lie and cheat retailers

|vm| said:
I gotta say it's worth the 30 bucks or so, they really do work nicely. If you were considering trying them, i highly recommend them. Its not a hassle at all.
i found the whitening to be quite temperary.