aestis, free, mox, gigafool, and others with wit

link_ said:
just so you know, I make better schnitzel.

I am the best schnitzel cook on TW. And I will have a cook off with anyman that says otherwise!

my mom will make a schnitzel 10x better than you could any day
Jislan said:
chicken fajitas are totally better
No, THIS is totally better.

Glare said:
what did ref do to aestis

besides be ref

we were giving stu shit about when he said he'd rather take a shit than have sex. Ref said that he was going to post it on TW. Aestis said he didn't care because TW was boring and he probably wouldn't go back anyhow. Ref then said "I bet you'll be back in a month" and stu said "Don't count on it."

and that was the last day he's posted here.
just for the record:

i would rather have sex than take a shit, but i'd rather take a nice clean-wipe shit than get a handjob

that is not to say i dont enjoy handjobs, i just really enjoy clean-wipe shits
i dont mind kura leaving

i do miss free, aestis and mox though

giga was always a homo
free was fun to "talk" to

aestis made me laugh consistently

kura is full of useful and useless facts (if he bothers you get over yourself)

gigafool was a lot of fun till he became so pretentious