addicted to games

sender said:

article on how games can be seen as addictive...they could be stimulating the same areas as drungs and alcohol.

I would definitly say I'm addicted to games, and the internet. My only hope is to use my programming skills and get a job in the industry...make all this time wasted into some cash...

would you guys say you're addicted to gaming?
Too bad being a game programmer doesn't pay that well, and your job is almost always in jeopardy unless you're making sports games, or working for Square. ;)
Ok, spreadsheet software it is.

I've heard really horrible things about game it really that bad?
sender said:
Ok, spreadsheet software it is.

I've heard really horrible things about game it really that bad?
I don't know, I'm not a game programmer, or any kind of programmer, though I used to program on my own. I don't think I'd like to be forced to program on a schedule, doesn't sound like my type of job. From what I've heard, it's fairly high-stress, long hours, and pretty good pay, but nothing that great. Then if your product sucks, they may not give you another project and kaboom. ;)
I used to be addicted to games, but I don't think I am anymore.

Good luck getting into the game programming field, you pretty much need solid work experience programming just to get a shot at the job. The massive time investment would really turn me off to the idea. During the last few months of the project you virtually live a the office.