according to kurayami i'm socially inept

rilkean panther is one of my biggest fans. one day me and him will hang out and all his e-hate will turn into love. i believe this.

:D you are totally correct. I've just been in an e-hate fraggle rut for so long that I don't know what else to do.
I said this before but

fraggle used to be funny untill cyanide went dr phil on him and now he's getting boring with all of this fake drama/poor attempts and trolling kura shit
Fraggle's social skills are exceptional. He is highly extroverted, adapts to different surrounding instantaniously, and is an excellent conversationalist. He is far from socially-inept.

I believe we've covered this before.
kura was probably talking about a different kind of social ineptness not having anything to do with social skills
if fraggle wants to start an epic thread he should go on a diet and start exercising and become slim

that would be pretty epic i would read daily updates of fraggle at the gym
kurayami a person who is socially inept is incapable of functioning highly in social situations. i think you want to call me societally inept; i function fine in social situations. definitely better than you do.

i feel no need to obtain gainful employment while i can support myself by other means. if you disagree with me, thats cool, i'm not judging you for the way you live your life.

i wish you only the best and hope that you succeed in all of your future endeavors.

so he's right........YOU'RE FAT!!!!!11111