About T:V and exporting...


Veteran XV
How do I export textures and huds and crap from the T:V Editor? Only option is to export as a .dds file which i dont know what to do with it..any help would be great thanks
Well, i've seen T:V textures in T1..ive also see T:V xhairs extracted..i know you can...

p.s. i dont know you..keep your immature comments to yourself please.
I thought it was nothing more than going to the T:V editor, and doing export. It's been a long time though, so I'm sure I'm missing a few steps there.
I thought it was nothing more than going to the T:V editor, and doing export. It's been a long time though, so I'm sure I'm missing a few steps there.

Well i thought it was the same thing..but only option i had was to export in .dds files and wasn't able to find a good program to convert the files to another format. But the plug-in for PS CS3 that Hazor gave me worked fine.