[Abortion] Blacks are an endangered species

That dream is not far from reality. Limiting population from undesirable population growths will necessarily increase the amount of attractive people. Racism does not fight beauty. Beauty is a natural aspect and evolutionary limit. It is not random. Beautiful people hold beautiful genes. Crime ridden people hold crime ridden genes. Morality is not subjective. It is determined by your genes. We can eliminate the problem if we only have the courage.

Usually I think Beam is an idiot, but I agree with killing off retards/gays/ugly people.
would you abort their offspring too?

by the way, you never answered my question from the last thread. Fucked anyone besides your sister lately?
Swen, I do not have a sister. And to answer your question, I do not like abortion. I think it kills life. I do support limiting the ability of some people to procreate. I do not necessarily advocate this on a race basis, but I would agree with sterilization for those living on the public dollar.