a difficult situation


Veteran X
ok so heres the story, i was playing pool with some friends last night and my ex girlfriend happened to be there. let me tell you she was looking HOT. we started talking and i guess some innocent flirting went on. we went out for nine months previously but we never "did it" cuz i didnt want to complicate the relationship when i was going to break up with her. I am seriously regretting that now. Call me a hornly little kid but i cant stop thinking about doing her; however i would never want another relationship with her. What should I do? Whats the best way to tell her this?

i know this may be the wrong place to ask this, but i need realistic advice please :)
it doesn't have to feel right if you're a guy

tap it then be a bitch and she'll leave herself
get your intentions over with... pork her, then when you are done with sex, say "I dont want to carry this out as a relationship, last minute choice, sorry." as you say this she should be dressing up and her back is towards you, then run out the door.
holy crap
you're kidding me
9 months? and you didn't hit it once?!1?

you learn so much about a person through sex, wtf is wrong with you
Next time you see her try to hook up with her. If she moves away then she odesn't want your penis if she kisses you back direct her hand to your dildo