
That website isnt very professional. Im not even refering to him being in the picture, just that last paragraph is very unprofessional.
i feel like i'm missing something, today is the first i've ever heard of this PUA shit. is it some sort of popular subculture i just totally missed the boat on?
it appears to be a way for guys that can't get laid to modify themselves so they are atleast given some form of attention by females.
So the rule with peacocking is you've got to be used to the clothing. Wear the clothing about the house for a few weeks until you're happy with it.

Another thing, peacocking gives me an an UNBELIEVEABLE high. When I'm wearing a bright silver shirt there is NO WAY I'm going to be a wall-flower. I'm a high-energy pimp and proud of it.
The PUA shit is completely stupid. No doubt it gets people laid (otherwise they'd probably stop pretty quick), but 99% of it is probably getting laid by women who they wouldn't be able to stand talking to for 5 minutes outside a flirting/fucking convo.
its basically for guys who can't get laid

they learn methods to lure stupid attention whores into bed. It is important to dress like an idiot and change everything you do, because it wasn't working for them anyhow. Basically when you run out of all options and you don't want to get a hooker you become a PUA. An important tactic is to label anyone who calls you out on it a "hater"
Hey fraggle!! :)

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Visit Length 1 hour 52 mins 17 secs

Thanks for the time and the tribute thread <3
Hey fraggle!! :)

Host Name ool-18bc86ee.dyn.optonline.net
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Country United States
Region New York
City Yonkers
Visit Length 1 hour 52 mins 17 secs

Thanks for the time and the tribute thread <3

This post makes me think youre a faggot trying to show off here now too. This is like your version of peacocking on TW?

Is almuktar being serious? i hope not.
i'm fuzzy on how that's "showing off". it's rather simple. SHIT! now I'M showing off.

such a vicious cycle.
Well, I dont understand the point of it. And since he has such a trendy web design page, its not far fetched to think he believes he is some hot shit.
Actually, I do the programming on the backend. Didn't you try to learn anything about me before posting in my tribute thread? Pssht.