25 years ago today I moved to Dubai...

all of the other stuff the western world has, except guns and strippers.

If this is the reason you holiday in Las Vegas, I still can't fathom it.
America is full of wonderful places to visit with mountains to climb, rivers to kayak, and surf breaks to play in. Snorkeling? We have that. Want to climb an ice waterfall? I can recommend 3 shops with gear to let or buy. Want to play poker legally? You bet your ass.

Please enjoy some of the really great parts of America and stay away from that neon-lit, disease infested, glitter-thrown pile of shit that is Las Vegas.
If this is the reason you holiday in Las Vegas, I still can't fathom it.
America is full of wonderful places to visit with mountains to climb, rivers to kayak, and surf breaks to play in. Snorkeling? We have that. Want to climb an ice waterfall? I can recommend 3 shops with gear to let or buy. Want to play poker legally? You bet your ass.

Please enjoy some of the really great parts of America and stay away from that neon-lit, disease infested, glitter-thrown pile of shit that is Las Vegas.

if you haven't figured it out by now, mitch is sort of a city boy. :shrug:
if you haven't figured it out by now, mitch is sort of a city boy. :shrug:

This is the part where he needs to literally, expand his horizons. I grew up in cities, and some years were spent right down the road from him in Abu Dhabi.

But get the right person to show him say, slickrock mountain biking in Moab, Salmon fishing in Kasilof, or even climbing Gannett Peak (15th tallest in America) right on the reservation here in Wyoming, and he'd be hooked.

Mitch, you're always telling people to learn more about the world, and become more cultured and have a broader scope-- and I love that-- but right now my response to that is:

no u
Midxe is too old, fat and uncoordinated for mountain biking. He might enjoy overlanding in Moab, but there's no poker or internet.

I go to Vegas to play poker primarily. The drinking and strippers are a bonus but I would never go there if that was all there was.

I do understand there are other things going on. In September we'll be doing a couple of weeks of active vacation around the Banff / Lake Louise area, which will have a fair bit of outdoor stuff, albeit fairly tame by your standards - hiking type activities. And I still ski every 2 or 3 years (badly). And will also do a week hooning it around the Scottish Highlands in the Aston because it's just beautiful up there and there are some amazing roads (See below).

That said, yeah as Havax pointed out I probably am for the most part a "city boy" and my wife certainly would rather be shopping, but then she grew up on a farm.

Tweaks his own etc.. :shrug:

I go to Vegas to play poker primarily. The drinking and strippers are a bonus but I would never go there if that was all there was.

I do understand there are other things going on. In September we'll be doing a couple of weeks of active vacation around the Banff / Lake Louise area, which will have a fair bit of outdoor stuff, albeit fairly tame by your standards - hiking type activities. And I still ski every 2 or 3 years (badly). And will also do a week hooning it around the Scottish Highlands in the Aston because it's just beautiful up there and there are some amazing roads (See below).

That said, yeah as Havax pointed out I probably am for the most part a "city boy" and my wife certainly would rather be shopping, but then she grew up on a farm.

Tweaks his own etc.. :shrug:

Spent a month last summer in Banff. Its fucking terrible.
Haha fair enough. I was being mildly humorous. Maybe Flash was too. Nobody wants to hear me blathering on about how awesome Dubai is. Or.....? Maybe I need to run a poll :rofl:
Just take a google maps tour down Main Street Banff. It will tell you everything you need to know. Highly highly advise staying in Canmore over Banff. Also skip Lake Louise, absolute tourist nightmare.

If you aren’t a pathetic piece of shit, there are plenty of good hikes to secluded glacier lakes.

Plan to rent bikes. Eat at Crazy Weed. Grassi falls hike for the kids.

Drive out highway 742 is awesome.

Tons of peaks to climb but I know your cardio is shit.

Views out on 724:


Summit shot of Canmore:

Grassi Lakes:

View from famous Banff hotel restaurant. Its worth a visit and a drink:

Lake Louise:

Crazy Weed:


I go to Vegas to play poker primarily. The drinking and strippers are a bonus but I would never go there if that was all there was.

I do understand there are other things going on. In September we'll be doing a couple of weeks of active vacation around the Banff / Lake Louise area, which will have a fair bit of outdoor stuff, albeit fairly tame by your standards - hiking type activities. And I still ski every 2 or 3 years (badly). And will also do a week hooning it around the Scottish Highlands in the Aston because it's just beautiful up there and there are some amazing roads (See below).

That said, yeah as Havax pointed out I probably am for the most part a "city boy" and my wife certainly would rather be shopping, but then she grew up on a farm.

Tweaks his own etc.. :shrug:

Nah, you don't have to run up and down Pikes Peak to have fun (although you can if you want (Pikes Peak Marathon - Home) or even be athletic if you don't feel like it.

The Telluride Bluegrass festival and Burning Man were cultural get-togethers that we used to attend all the time (I never did Burning Man, but TBGF I've done 4 times, and Pikes Peak 3) until the rich fuckers ruined all of them. There are bills in Colorado AND Nevada to allow for expanded private jet parking in both venues. There are other cool things that the rich folks don't know about yet that I can recommend.

As far as drinking, when we were kids it was an accepted maxim that European beer was for adults, and American beer was for little girls that enjoyed the taste of half-strength piss.

How the times have changed. NOW, you can find micro-brewers everywhere, and because of internet, it's easy to find the best ones in whatever region you're in. The best beer in the world is American (again, I'm not referring to Coors and Budweiser and the rest of that-- it's all still diluted raccoon urine--) I'm talking hand-brewed beer by people that care.

Now for those that say I'm always ragging on America, kindly take your complaint and shove it.

Just take a google maps tour down Main Street Banff. It will tell you everything you need to know. Highly highly advise staying in Canmore over Banff. Also skip Lake Louise, absolute tourist nightmare.

If you aren’t a pathetic piece of shit, there are plenty of good hikes to secluded glacier lakes.

Plan to rent bikes. Eat at Crazy Weed. Grassi falls hike for the kids.

Drive out highway 742 is awesome.

Tons of peaks to climb but I know your cardio is shit.

Hmmm OK, all noted, no details on the trip sorted yet. No kids, dropping the youngest at University right before we go. My cardio isn't shit. It's not the greatest but all things considered I think it's decent, but I'd spend hours waiting at the top for the other 3 people on the trip.
the weather was nice in saudi arabia Feb/March except for a few sandstorms that really sucked and some scuds