16GB Sony Walkman $75

Some of the Sony Walkmen models have better sound quality than Ipods. I don't know if that is one of those models, but when I went shopping for a new mp3 player I remember reading that.
rhapsody is 192k bitrate :yawn:

that only matters for pretentious douchebags.

Once you hit your mid 30s, it doesn't matter anymore. I used to be able to tell the difference but when I am listening to an mp3 player on a riding lawnmower, no one can tell the difference.
The only walkman that should be called a walkman. This was the Ipod of the early '80s. You were pimp if you had one.

that only matters for pretentious douchebags.

Once you hit your mid 30s, it doesn't matter anymore. I used to be able to tell the difference but when I am listening to an mp3 player on a riding lawnmower, no one can tell the difference.

the reason you can't tell the difference is probably both because you've blasted your ears by turning up your music so loud to drown out a riding lawnmower and you don't have high quality headphones
the reason you can't tell the difference is probably both because you've blasted your ears by turning up your music so loud to drown out a riding lawnmower and you don't have high quality headphones

I generally listen to music quietly, never loud on headphones. And no, I don't have high quality headphones because I don't listen to music in environments where I would benefit from high quality headphones.

That and you hearing goes to shit in your 30s. When I was in HS, I could hear a 22khz tone. I can barely get to 17 on a good day now.

You'll see someday...

Legally speaking, I'll take a shitton of music to play anything I want, whenever I want over having to buy the album for every song that I like just to be a douche and have a flac version so I can be ultra cool. That would cost me around $35,000, legally speaking of course.
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How big is this thing? I'm kinda looking for a durable music player to use when I go running.

I don't want the normal ipod, I was looking at a nano, mainly due to size. But I wonder, is there anything comparable? I just basically want to rotate through maybe 4ish hours of music, ~70 minutes at a time maximum, and be able to make playlists. Ideally it would weigh as little as possible and be as small as possible while retaining a simple playlist feature.