11 year old guitar solo w/Steel Panther

Is Steel Panther a real band or is it a joke?
It's a tribute band. That became the fad, but now it's burning out. There are many tribute bands out there. They dress the part, and play the songs just like the record. Some of them are very close to the real thing.

The guys were basically screwing around when the kid played. Probably didn't realize the video would go viral. We have kid phenoms around here, every city has them. 13 year old drummer, he gigs out every weekend.
America's Got Talent Crazy Kid doing stick tricks on drums and tearing it up - YouTube

The 11 year old needs to sing, otherwise he really needs to be a god on the guitar.
Same drummer with another group. Notice the kid on guitar is also singing lead. I shot this video.
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BTW, while steel panther is a satirical 80's rock group, they have some really good songs and happen to all be very talented musicians. I never really took interest until I started seeing some instructional videos from satchel, their guitar player. He is talented as shit, and was an instructor at musicians institute for a long time. They sort of remind of of broadway actors because they are multi talented, being able to play their instruments and act the part at the same time.

I don't really listen to them much, but a few of their songs are bangers, like this one:
