10 yr old girl kept as sex slave for 8 years escapes.

Article doesn't say the girl was his sex slave. Says he sexually abused her. Another article on BBC said he educated her, not euphemistically either. Obvioiusly he abused her, but sex slave I think is inaccurate. Not that it matters, he got good justice, she's back and can enjoy his death while she goes to pschiatry.

You sound almost as if you are defending the guy.

And no, he did not get good justice. Suicide is the easy way out for this asshole. Good justice for this guy would be a lifetime sentence in a maximum security prison with Leroy the 18" cock black man as his mandatory girlfriend.
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This girl is considering running away from home so she packs a bag and brings her passport along... then gets kidnapped.


Something doesn't add up.

Answering the question with the Stockholm syndrome as nothing to do. You don't need to feel any sympathy for this mean, and still not fight when he comes to fuck you. It's only called logic and intelligence, to keep quiet, calm, and let him do his thing so you don't get hurt. You might throw up of disgut everytime after it, or want to kill yourself. But I wouldn't call it Stockholm syndrome.

That syndrome is really that you feel some kind of sympathy, even some sort of "love" for the person who's keeping you captive. I don't believe this girl felt much sympathy for him. I mean, I know, she lived with that guy for 8 years, only seeing him and no one else. She got to know him, and maybe felt some sort of pity-sympathy for him, but, I'm pretty sure, nothing else.
Answering the question with the Stockholm syndrome as nothing to do. You don't need to feel any sympathy for this mean, and still not fight when he comes to fuck you. It's only called logic and intelligence, to keep quiet, calm, and let him do his thing so you don't get hurt. You might throw up of disgut everytime after it, or want to kill yourself. But I wouldn't call it Stockholm syndrome.

That syndrome is really that you feel some kind of sympathy, even some sort of "love" for the person who's keeping you captive. I don't believe this girl felt much sympathy for him. I mean, I know, she lived with that guy for 8 years, only seeing him and no one else. She got to know him, and maybe felt some sort of pity-sympathy for him, but, I'm pretty sure, nothing else.
I believe the article mentions that they think she has stockholm syndrome. So his reply is appropriate. (ie. she wouldn't be fighting him)
No, it said she showed some signs of stockholm, and also, you know, the fact that she ran away and told a lady she was being held captive kind of contradict it.
Here is a video of the hole she lived in for all those years


Wow, that is pretty fucked up. For a 6x6 or whatever, that's pretty plush living iit seems. If anything her captor had Lima syndrome, the opposite of Stockholm, exhibiting it by letting her garden outside and eventually leading to her escape.

Possibly even more disturbing than the whole situation is that the police interrogated this guy 8 years ago and let him go.

Poor dumb girl is definetly going to be fucked up for a while.
1.8x3m is more a '6x10' hole for reference (not that that makes a heap of difference, but you could at least get it a bit right.)
I believe the article mentions that they think she has stockholm syndrome. So his reply is appropriate. (ie. she wouldn't be fighting him)

Of course, because the article said she MIGHT have the Stockholm Syndrome means you cannot use your own intelligence to maybe think she hated this man if she ran away ? ...

What's said by the medias is ALWAYS true, isn't it ? :sunny: Of course, she was just a slut and enjoyed the whole time with that fucked up man.

edit : The room she lived in could have been a lot worse. I was thinking of some dark, humid and cold place. This only looks like a chinese appartment or something, small but still fonctionnal and you can live in there. It's not the perfect conditions to live, but it seems almost decent. I mean, she has a toilet, a sink, a tv, radio, a comfortable bed, clothes, light, etc.
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edit : The room she lived in could have been a lot worse. I was thinking of some dark, humid and cold place. This only looks like a chinese appartment or something, small but still fonctionnal and you can live in there. It's not the perfect conditions to live, but it seems almost decent. I mean, she has a toilet, a sink, a tv, radio, a comfortable bed, clothes, light, etc.

Are you kidding? Sure, people have lived in worse apartments, esp. if you look back a century or so in city slums. But she couldn't LEAVE the room. It wouldn't be horrible if she didn't live 24 hours a day, seven days a week for like 7 years in that ONE ROOM. Next time you're in your bedroom, look around and imagine living in their for 7 years. It's horrible.
Of course, because the article said she MIGHT have the Stockholm Syndrome means you cannot use your own intelligence to maybe think she hated this man if she ran away ? ...

What's said by the medias is ALWAYS true, isn't it ? :sunny: Of course, she was just a slut and enjoyed the whole time with that fucked up man.

edit : The room she lived in could have been a lot worse. I was thinking of some dark, humid and cold place. This only looks like a chinese appartment or something, small but still fonctionnal and you can live in there. It's not the perfect conditions to live, but it seems almost decent. I mean, she has a toilet, a sink, a tv, radio, a comfortable bed, clothes, light, etc.

:shrug: beats me. I really have no personal experience of being locked in a small room for 8 years so your guess is as good as mine. I'd say it is a fair guess that she knew what was happening was wrong, but still empathized with her captor. I mean, 8 years of her important formative years she only dealt with this guy. Thats nearly the same amount of time that she spent with her parents. I'd think there would almost have to be a bit of empathy. Or not.

Like I said, I have no personal sex slave experience so :shrug:

edit - also, at no point did i imply that she is a little slut and enjoyed an obviously horribly fucked up sitiuation - or anything like that. what the fuck :sick:
Well this is then: