1 question about frame rates


Veteran XX
i cannot find any solid information on this

if i dip from 120 frames per second to 60 frames per second and/or go in between repeatedly over the course of 30 seconds on a 120hz monitor

would it be totally noticeable or maybe just slightly etc.

i get many differing opinions

i definitely see dif from 60 to 30 fps on a 60hz monitor u kno
I think you would be able to tell the difference in game speed and smoothness.
well i am just wondering about frame limiters and such

thank u odio for not being very mean 2 me w/ this

u seem like a great guy
yes you would notice 60fps on a 120hz monitor instead of 120fps

when i set my computer to output hdmi on my tv to watch stuff, then change it back to my 120hz monitor, it defaults it to 60hz and it sucks. i even notice it in windows moving windows and stuff

that said, 120hz monitor with 60-120fps is way better than 300fps on a 60hz
jerry buy a 120hz. there is a 'cheap' 144hz out there somewhere too

you won't regret even if you aren't always getting 120hz
I have the benq 120 monitor - it's very nice, has nvidia light boost , so you can run a hack to turn in strobing to get 0 motion lag too
people that say they can notice a difference between 60-120 are flat lying. In fact, slowing your refresh rate down has a more beneficial effect on the brain that cranking it up to odd numbers.

If anything, 60 is smother than anything in the 80-110 range.
Triple Buffering on
VSync off (although at 120, you wouldn't notice 60 dips anyway, so on if you see tearing)

And no, you won't notice 60-120 changes.

You noticed 60-30 changes because that's well within the noticeable range for frame-by-frame video games.
people that say they can notice a difference between 60-120 are flat lying. In fact, slowing your refresh rate down has a more beneficial effect on the brain that cranking it up to odd numbers.

If anything, 60 is smother than anything in the 80-110 range.

yea you're bad at fps games fyi