[RIP] Mangina 1985-2008

well, because everyone else is posting in this so-called "legendary" thread, i thought that i'd offer my totally awesome two cents.

it's really easy to let shit go. things that do not really affect you or give you any notice whatsoever are pretty easy to ignore. although i think that kahula is a ridiculous attention whore and that her saggy tits are chock full to the brim full of bullshit, i still feel that shitting on her pain is pretty much just extravagant given the rich tapestry of human failings and weaknesses that seem to find themselves posted on this board. and it would be simplicity itself to ignore this thread and move on to someone more deserving of the collective ridicule of a bunch of desperate basement-dwelling sociopaths.

yet, we find that once again, the very moment someone exposes any amount of human caring or feeling that we take that and turn it into a focal point for our rage against the universe that seems to have shunned us and fueled our collective disdain for humanity in order to give ourselves a brief moment of power over another person. and i think that this is just wrong. plain wrong.

at the same time, it is obvious to anyone who has participated in this community for more than five minutes at a time that this sort of thread inpsires the exact sort of misanthropic bullshit that characterizes the responses therein and as such, the original poster deserves (to a certain extent) a fair amount of said bullshit.

but ask yourselves, and i mean this seriously, take a second and ask yourselves, is it worth it to take the time it takes to read through this thread and respond in a negative manner in order to place yourselves one step higher in the crapness hierarchy that is tribalwar's social strata compared to a little girl with big tits who feels sorry for a dead guy who used to post here? and if you find that the answer is "yes", then you should probably follow in the footsteps of the thread's very subject, for you have extremely little to live for.

if you actually read this, i will be very impressed.

I stopped after "rich tapestry of human failings" thank god
But seriously tribalwar is really incredibly pathetic at times. Though that's not surprising considering that joining requires rudimentary computer knowledge and staying requires super thick skin...and people can just say the stupid shit in their heads without consequence. Looking at a thread like this though makes me wonder what kind of fucked up people post on this forum.
Just so there is no doubt in anyone's mind - if I croak and it comes out on TW - I will be very dissapointed if anyone does anything but post bullshit in it. And I will be watching.
I'll be upset if someone doesn't post pics of LoD or Kahula's tits in your dead thread brass
I think in order to be fucked up you actually have to care or put in effort to what you have said in this thread. To judge someone as twisted or misanthropic I think they would actually have to care about said topic.

It takes no effort to not post in the thread and it takes no effort to post something amusing and mean in the thread, either. You may be longwinded but a thread like this has no bearing on the actual average mental capacity of a tribalwarrior.
What was it like when Spry died? I didn't read that thread but I know people were sad because he didn't die in a selfish, stupid way.
He was exactly four years older than I am (well, maybe a few hours and minutes off BUT WHO KNOWS)! Oh man, I need to do some things.
are you going to kill yourself in four years?

Well once I almost thought about moving to Toronto so apparently I will have apartment fires and domestic something I don't feel like going back to the first page but anyways I have to hurry up and finish my stamp collection brb.
Don't blow your fucking head off.
Why not, who cares if I do.
The poor guy whos gotta clean that shit up. If you're going to do it, do it outside or something.