Your desks, show them to me

well, this took a while because I was away for a couple of weeks, and I'd also left my PS4 elsewhere and was just reunited with it today

pics from my nerd room:



from the couch side




got the PS4, Switch, WiiU (mostly used by the kids on the TV) and my brand new super computer all set up to easily use on either screen
boring set up, i want to replace the lame led fans sometime on this old rosewill case edualC

got the little headset rest on amazon and its bangin as fuck under the desk god fuckin damn

i use this little shitter desk from ikea THYGE Desk - IKEA


Thats actually a really nice looking desk. Did you buy it or build it?
I built the top and put it on an Ikea frame... Can't remember the name of it maybe Jerker? They were nice desks with typical garbage laminate tops. I made this one out of maple
Didn't you upgrade the RAM in that iMac to resolve some performance issues or was that someone else? How did all that go?
Didn't do anything about it, my wife will decide if she wants a new imac or used Mac pro or something

A person who works on graphics or video, and has any idea about hardward should know that this thing is going to be limited in graphic capacity because it's a pissy little GPU inside that case... compared to a high end first person shooter gaming rig for example.

How you going to fit stuff like this:


In a toy (more interested in style than function) like that?

If she is used to mac os then I think you can install Mac os on a gaming rig. Gaming rigs whilst expensive, are now more bang for buck than 10-20 years ago because they are more popular, and the market is saturated with options. 6k was in budget?
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i've got a - uh - black hole atomizer. i did the thumb tack tesla mod on it, but i don't see any difference at all to be honest. some people swear by it but i think it's a waste of time. i just got a stupid cart - whatever. lately i've been double-dipping and putting my KR808s inside of the 510 atomizer.... cuz i want that shit hot.