Refrence list of creepy things Captain Tele has done

i get why he hates big government now

they fired his nambla ass and now they gotsta pay

no tele

don't touch that kid down there

it won't look good on ur annual review
dealy keeping it fresh

with about the thousandth time he said that

imagine if i was flying to hawaii on the governments dime. at 180k an hour for airforce one. for the hundredth time this year. think of how thirsty you would be to defend the wasted tax money then. then get back to me....
i see both tele's 'hey ss' and the concerned member of the community outing him threads are down

i smell a lot of fevered pms
hey SC,

you ain't leaving here, right? after thinking about it -- i dont think i will fully leave twl.

i will frequent twl from time to time to bother them as i always have and if we do it right, it will be like a forum invasions.

i mean, come on. there are a lot of us on here and if can easily do it just to get back at the admin for dicking us old school members. they got rid of the cesspool.... years worth of excellent debates... gone.

as soon as you and mockery are free and if i or SS dont get banned, we will invade. by the end of the year.... DOOM!!!!
