League of Legends

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I like playing with higher elo. That way when i go back to my level everything seems that much easier.
just playing normal games right now

not having many good games

always one side crushes the other due to noob feeders

btw, i've been playing with annie and she seems pretty op. easy farming with tons of damage spells. sucks that you can't control the bear directly (or can you??)
durak: alt-click controls minions.

i play (mainly ashe... learning fiddles/nunu). i'm lvl30 (150+ wins) ingame: mister7

not playing at the moment... at least not until it comes out for mac.
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played some games with odio, no comment on his performance

i'm lvl 30, getting good but inconsistent with trynd/ashe/shaco
Epic with Twisted Fate
char name is Micotu

Odio: update your first post with char/tw names and lvls plz
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TWname LoLname Level

Antonio, Sixsal, 30
Beezlebub, azren, 30
hastie, Micotu, 30
^i^Njal, Njal, 30
Tekno, MotherlessEggs, 30
Jenocide, solusalt, 29
jayvee, The Dao, 24
Odio, dolositas, 16
Skibbi9, skibbi9, 12

Wannacookie, Wannacookie, ?
Durak, -, -
Tyco, -, -
Arcadus, -, -
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100k in prizes announced for Season 1. Now I kinda wish I had stayed active competitively, I was in the top 10ish players at the end of beta...
dmetheny, lv. 10 or so atm
at the moment I'm mostly playing Veigar and Fiddlesticks, gay nuking all over the place and loling when people rage quit :lol:
gameplay at lower levels is pretty horrible, just like in dota/hon. Leavers, feeders, etc. Once you get into higher elo levels it becomes way better. I haven't seen someone rage quit in a hundred games or more.
I've loaded like $25 into my account to unlock some heros i specifically wanted to play. depending on the hero or week you can basically unlock a hero with about 5-15games worth of IP (IP is used to buy runes and characters) they have like 6 free characters available everyweek (on some sort of random rotation). individual characters are between $2.50-$10 if you want to buy them or you could buy a large pack of them for i think 20-30 bucks.

I bought the large pack in like December of last year for I think $30. I played it pretty heavily for like a month and a half and haven't touched it since which still makes it a pretty good bargain as far as games go for me and my attention span.
I bought the large pack in like December of last year for I think $30. I played it pretty heavily for like a month and a half and haven't touched it since which still makes it a pretty good bargain as far as games go for me and my attention span.
yeah, i got 400+ games of HoN for 30bucks and 30 games so far of lol for 25. both are better deals than most xbox/ps3 games i buy which i never play
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