Archaeology was created by a retard


Whiny Bitch
Poorest design concept ever. Here's a bunch of useless trash that doesn't sell for shit, takes forever to obtain, and you get to deal with a double RNG for any useful item that will be replaced by raid epics in the first content patch. Enjoy wasting your time.
All of what you said is completely true. Are the majority of people still doing it? Yes, yes they are. Blizzard wins again.
I both like and hate that I have zin. The only item I have left for Eastern Kingdoms is the caster staff. I am now up to 1800 troll fragments, 1700 fossil fragments and still no staff.
constantly drinking water for mana is ridiculous
First aid is almost ridiculous
Combat state is ridiculous

They'll prob add / change things with Arch. You're just probably ahead of the curve at the moment.
well in my opinion its fine the way it is. It's a free secondary prof where you get a chance at some BiS items out of HM raids that a lot of people won't be seeing anyway. The only thing is time. I got zin 5 days after farming straight minus queuing up for heroics and I was excited anytime I did a solve only to be let down. Well worth the time and 10k enchant at the time seeing as I won't be replacing it anytime soon (fury war) and we aren't exactly downing content at the speed of light.

people are lucky now, It would of been a lot smoother if I had the changes about no locations in vash and only three fragments per spot when I was farming :[
I don't know how you can think it's fine. It's absolutely fine that it's difficult to obtain epic, or even rare gear. The problem is that there is no logical progression like other "secondary" professions, and no real purpose behind the profession except for the chance at those rares. The gray trash that you solve endlessly doesn't sell for enough gold to be worth the time investment. With First Aid, Fishing and Cooking you can at least some value in having them on a character. You can sell the items on the AH, use them yourself, etc. without a major time investment.

They have designed a system that not only has long travel times, but you must deal with RNG when it comes to digsite generation, followed by RNG when it comes to the number of fragments you receive, followed by RNG when it comes to the relics you can solve for. It's mind numbingly random.

Archaeology needs a secondary purpose beyond ultra rare loot.
i think it is good for what it is, a chance at different types of ultra rare loot. Its not just weapons. it's pets, mounts, and so on. How many hours would it take to separately farm a BiS wep and an extremely rare pet and extremely rare land mount? I ran ZG countless times and never saw the tiger. I know someone who ran ST forever, even after 60 for that 1h epic swd and still doesn't have it.

It's nice that they've put all that into one prof and also created a system where they can add new things along the way. Yes the randomness of get the ONE thing your particular toon is after is frustrating but overall you have probably or will probably hit one of those other things and get that.
I have been farming arch for awhile now and i have gotten 2 really good items. ring from Tol Vir and the doll from NELF. Neither are for my char but they go fine for other chars i have. Only complaint i have about Arch is the amount of times i clear Kal and don't get a dig site in Uldum. Thats about it. its random yes but i knew that going into it. Free epixs are still free all you have to do is spend your time. If you cant do that you're in the wrong game.
i think it is good for what it is, a chance at different types of ultra rare loot. Its not just weapons. it's pets, mounts, and so on. How many hours would it take to separately farm a BiS wep and an extremely rare pet and extremely rare land mount? I ran ZG countless times and never saw the tiger. I know someone who ran ST forever, even after 60 for that 1h epic swd and still doesn't have it.

It's nice that they've put all that into one prof and also created a system where they can add new things along the way. Yes the randomness of get the ONE thing your particular toon is after is frustrating but overall you have probably or will probably hit one of those other things and get that.

Ok perhaps I should clarify. I have every Eastern Kingdoms item except the staff. I have no more rares to get from Fossil or Troll. I have every common item. The only reason to keep digging in Eastern Kingdoms at this point is to get the staff. Every minute I dig on Eastern Kingdoms is exclusively devoted towards finding a dwarf digsite and hoping the staff comes up. It's certainly not for money, because it's a completely inconsequential sum. I've been 525 archaeology since day 1, but it doesn't appear as though that affects the chance for an epic at all, and even if it does it's such a paltry amount I'm just as likely to discover the item on a fresh archaeologist.

The system is not well thought out. I could stand week long grinds if I knew I was actually working towards something or gaining something secondary. Mount runs get you cash, cloth, enchant mats, rep, etc... There is no secondary benefit to archaeology.
Ok perhaps I should clarify. I have every Eastern Kingdoms item except the staff. I have no more rares to get from Fossil or Troll. I have every common item. The only reason to keep digging in Eastern Kingdoms at this point is to get the staff. Every minute I dig on Eastern Kingdoms is exclusively devoted towards finding a dwarf digsite and hoping the staff comes up. It's certainly not for money, because it's a completely inconsequential sum. I've been 525 archaeology since day 1, but it doesn't appear as though that affects the chance for an epic at all, and even if it does it's such a paltry amount I'm just as likely to discover the item on a fresh archaeologist.

The system is not well thought out. I could stand week long grinds if I knew I was actually working towards something or gaining something secondary. Mount runs get you cash, cloth, enchant mats, rep, etc... There is no secondary benefit to archaeology.

Welcome to Tol'Vir items on Kal. only one zone has the dig sites and you have to clear all the others ones so many times and just hope you get a dig site you want. its maddening.
Yes I am aware, that's why I didn't level arch on Kalimdor so at least for a while Night Elf fragments will give me stuff.
Yes I am aware, that's why I didn't level arch on Kalimdor so at least for a while Night Elf fragments will give me stuff.

Its not about leveling on Kal... its about needing 1 item from Tol'Vir which you can only get from Uldum. its a huge pain.
Arch is worse than fishing.

At least you can cook and eat the fish, benefiting another secondary profession.

Holy fuck it's boring though. :(
I don't know how you can think it's fine. It's absolutely fine that it's difficult to obtain epic, or even rare gear. The problem is that there is no logical progression like other "secondary" professions, and no real purpose behind the profession except for the chance at those rares. The gray trash that you solve endlessly doesn't sell for enough gold to be worth the time investment. With First Aid, Fishing and Cooking you can at least some value in having them on a character. You can sell the items on the AH, use them yourself, etc. without a major time investment.

They have designed a system that not only has long travel times, but you must deal with RNG when it comes to digsite generation, followed by RNG when it comes to the number of fragments you receive, followed by RNG when it comes to the relics you can solve for. It's mind numbingly random.

Archaeology needs a secondary purpose beyond ultra rare loot.

Ultra rare loot IS the secondary purpose. The primary purpose is lore, a player-driven outlet to tell lore stories without having to actually make dungeons, encounters, etc.

But if there was no ultra-rare loot then there is no reason for non-lore people to do it.