happy juneteenth everyone !


another taxpayer funded day off for gvt slugs

black folks now have another fed holiday but now they can bbq and block party in-between mostly peaceful rioting

you act like if the gov workers didnt have the day off something would get done lol.
some hobby club around here met up at a gun store yesterday at 9am. surely it wasn't completely intentional since a million other things factor into that sort of thing but i had a chuckle. i thought about going but it wasn't in the cards maybe another time

yes thanks kale for helping celebrate a Republican holiday for when they liberated blacks from the oppressive racist Democrats. Looks like Republican's need to do it again.
happy juneteenth weekend my dudes

can't wait to celebrate again next year now that it's an official holiday we get to celebrate it every year
wait a sec... MLK jr day is also already a federal holiday that most employers don't pay out for? shows what i know
Can someone explain what Juneteenth actually means, not the reason for the day, but the etymology of the word. It's such a stupid sounding name. Like something a mildly retarded kid would come up with.

where from, what do?

Juneteenth is another reason for a slack society to slack off and self flagellate while offering new opportunities to push these slackers further into debt while getting others to pay and causing derision.
I love the gays so much.

Clean, well-spoken, educated, and polite. They have no interested in women that I might be interested. . what's not to love? Gay men are awesome. Gay women. . I'm having to learn. Megan Rapinoe is a very good soccer player, and. . that's all I've got.
I love the gays so much.

Clean, well-spoken, educated, and polite. They have no interested in women that I might be interested. . what's not to love? Gay men are awesome. Gay women. . I'm having to learn. Megan Rapinoe is a very good soccer player, and. . that's all I've got.

great thread

we have an asian celebrating not one, but two federal holidays, for an ethnicity that is allowed to score less on college extreme exams than they are

and has no asian specific federal holiday to speak of

no wonder some black folk like to cuck asians

My southern Baptist church congregation has totally ignored Juneteenth. They preferred to celebrate Fathers Day instead.