Do you support the minimum wage hike to $15 an hour?

Do you?

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Yes and no.

I do not support raising minimum wage to $15/hr. Labor is a commodity/product and you cannot artificially set the price of a product, the market determines the cost.

However, I do support raising the minimum wage to 11.50. People working minimum wage are below the poverty line and because of that are eligible for government assistance. Government assistance for people that actually work costs the American taxpayer approximately 7 billion dollars a year. To get those people above the poverty line and off gov't assistance the minimum wage should be raised to $11.50 an hour.

Companies that can not pay their employees 11.50 an hour will just get eaten up by larger companies that can. Thats how business works.

If you do not support raising the minimum wage to 11.50 an hour, what you are effectively saying is that you support supplementing the profit margins of multi-billion dollar multi-national companies with your tax money, These companies know the effect of their wages on the economy and make a point to educate their employees on how to get on gov't assistance. It's another form of corporate welfare.

You are ok with small businesses getting eaten up by larger companies because thats how business works, but you won't stand for multi-billion dollar companies doing the same thing only on a larger scale?
You are ok with small businesses getting eaten up by larger companies because thats how business works, but you won't stand for multi-billion dollar companies doing the same thing only on a larger scale?

There is no 'law' in the business world that small companies should be "allowed" to live or given special treatment. As a business either you can survive, or you can't and if you can survive as a business, it shouldn't be on the backs of your employees who work 40+ hours a week to put money in your pocket, but can't put food on their own table or pay their own bills.
If they can survive.

If they can't...they can't. There is nothing useful about a small business that creates welfare recipient, except for the small business owner.
Capitalism is for gays
Look no further than the gilded age for truths to that

We should all be goo
Rather than this, I would convert all welfare handouts to workfare.

Right now, welfare is broken because why bust your ass for $8 an hour when you can get paid to stay home and do nothing?

Take all the welfare money and only give it to people who work 40 hours a week. That way, you essentially raise minimum wage without adding cost to anything. You're just shifting the money already there.

I am for some increase in minimum wage as well, but obviously you can't nearly double labor costs and not totally mess up the system. Most decent places will offer a little more than min wage anyway to get a little better people.
I am in favor of it because:
A) I want more automation, and I want it now.
B) Full time workers should not require welfare.

If you despise welfare, then you must be for an increase in minimum wage. (Unless you are purposefully trying to create slaves.)

I don't buy the idea that automation will cause a crash in jobs. Unions have been fighting technology for decades, yet it always ends up benefiting the worker in the long run.
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I think the local economy should determine what people get paid.

The reason minimum wage is so low is because there is an infinite amount of unskilled laborers. Firing a minimum wage worker is not a big deal because there is always another person ready to take the position, usually a high school or young adult who is in school.

$15 minimum wage in a place like Pensacola Florida would destroy the entire economy, it might be necessary in San Francisco or New York, but there are places in the country where 80k a year is equivalent to 30k and vice versa.

Let's also not forget that you aren't just raising the wages of minimum wage workers, but you now have to give someone who was making $12 an hour, $15. This will affect the prices of all goods and services, not just fast food joints or other type businesses.

My first job was at Best Buy and I was making like $8-9 an hour, I literally did nothing, $15 an hour? :lol:
Best to pay people less, so gov't can pick up their costs for employment like health care (which the gov't also runs) and retirement entitlements (which the gov't also runs). After all this model works great for Wallmart. In general then the principle of "privatize profits, socialize debt" works quite well.

The question really should be; why is the minimum wage $11/hr? Shouldn't the market set the rate? Sure individuals hoping to eat have to negotiate with the rather big pockets of companies like Wallmart, but we're all equal before the law, and in a competitive society that's how things are done - you negotiate. People might not be able to eat on $5/hr. but there's lots of ngo welfare agencies and food banks to keep them alive.

Clearly then there shouldn't be any minimum wage law. Some people don't have a high iq or the discipline required to study past high school for 2+ years, but they're great at tedious manual work, and have a unique skill which allows them to work for hours and years on end making widgets or flipping burgers. They spend a third of their life doing mindless tasks. Having worked in a factory for 3 months I can attest to this being a skill. However let's not mention it, and make sure our intellectual elites are never exposed to such tedium, else if we call this a skill, these dummies might wake up and start realizing their worth, get all uppity and demand a decent wage.

I've never understood those who see a minimum wage hike as giving too much money to unskilled workers.

You do realize that wages haven't kept up with inflation for a long time now? We should ALL be seeing a wage increase, not just the minimum.

California just passed a $15 minimum wage, but it doesn't fully take effect until 2022. That's half a decade from now. IMO, if minimum wage kept up with inflation like it should, it should be even higher by then.

The "1%" are all laughing at us while we squabble over these scraps when we should instead be banding together demanding proper wages/compensation. :soapbox:
You're absolutely correct.

It's ok for the rich to declare a class war, but ask the little people if they deserve a better life and it's "hell no."

The capacity for people to shoot themselves in the foot and vote against their onw interests is endless. Fortunately for us rich, we suffer no self defeating illusions, and we don't even need the money!
- Sheldon Adelson CEO Viacom
80% robot automation by 2023

Idiocracy should just be considered a documentary at this point.

Carl's Jr. just announced that they are leaving California, which will save them millions per year in taxes. On top of this, they are now investing in more automation.
Your employers don't owe you anything more than the wage you agreed to work for. Don't like your job? Quit!
The only people championing this are three people that don't live in the US, a vehement racist socialist that thinks everywhere other than US is a great place but won't leave, and someone that has a job that is entirely contingent on fleecing every penny out of people.
i also think that minimum wage should be raised in certain areas depending on cost of living, but not so much in other areas

$8.00/hr in smalltown Oklahoma doesn't mean the same at $8/hr in NYC
Truthfully most jobs already pay over the minimum wage, maybe super low skill jobs get minimum wage, but I would say most people start $1-2 over.