The Friends Reunion thread

What's your opinion of the Friends reunion?

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you guys don't know anything

you couldn't hold a candle to the likes of warwitch, aestis, nipple ... I blah blah blah ...... some shit about something 20 years ago, lets hoist some thunderbird instead

I don't recommend putting the lit candle on nipples directly. However, a tad of warm scented wax is just what some nipples like. Not roiling wax, though. Bit much.
you could make good money doing something like that on webcam

well actually you'd probably have to pay a chick to do it to you but she doesn't even have to be hot just technically an xx
no, a bit stonger

we had virginia, extra mild, super mild, ultra mild and there may have even been another that you basically had to cut the filter off to actually get anything

when I smoke now it's usually Marboro gold, which are lights. I'd have Kent silver if they still sold them, think they changed to Kent Neo now, but stopped selling them in Aus anyway

they all burn the same though so don't put them on your skin

remember that game where you would lay a lit ciggy between two peoples forearms and the first to pull away was a pussy?
how fuckin stupid was that eh