[TW Army] Now accepting applications

After many hours I have all mechanicals up and operational. I don't know what that means but they are ready.
What is your prime directive, TW army?

To hunt down the enemies of mankind, sir!

What will you do when you have found them, TW army?

Aid and abet the enemy due to sheer incompetence, sir!
as intelligence and admiral of the TW Army, I've started recruiting pirates (they are cheap)

apply now

You're welcome to pay any pirates a handsome sum for service but until they post on TW.com they can't be officially official members of the Army of US. Please save your receipts and give them to accounting for reimbursement.
hey can i get one of those cool army motorbikes? i will ride ahead of the company and gather intell
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An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.

We go where we wilt. We slay who we wilt. Let the Rayn judge the righteousness of our deeds.
ya all can call me lieutenant dan


my focus will be on robotizing dogs for use in intercepting their suicide bombers. my first prototype
