[So] Some dumb bitch is painting rocks and shit

we can have fracking, poorly regulated nuclear plants that leak nuclear waste into the ocean, oil companies that leak millions of barrels of oil into the environment but the feds are chasing a 21 year and her acrylic paints across 5 states.
we can have fracking, poorly regulated nuclear plants that leak nuclear waste into the ocean, oil companies that leak millions of barrels of oil into the environment but the feds are chasing a 21 year and her acrylic paints across 5 states.

:lol: and they'll probably make a huge fucking deal about using any paint thinner to remove it because... the environment.

three million in damages if not more.
Why are they calling this entitled, spoiled and vapid cunt of a little girl an 'artist'? She's nothing but a useless hole (or three) to fuck for some bikers or what have you. Not a braincell in her entire body, anywhere, not even in her rectum. Spray painting retards are never 'artists', everyone can see what they do in cities across the world. They spray their stupid fucking tags on everything imaginable with dull black paint. Occasionally they'll do some insipid shit like spraypaint a marijuana leaf or the ugly face of some stupid nigger rapper or some other such trash. We need harsher penalties for spray painting shitheels. I think when first caught, they should have their index fingers removed. Take it from there if they insist on doing this shit that someone has to clean up later.
Those original cave painting were created due to the need for academic media; The only forms of teaching the younger generation were pigment and story telling.

These recent doodles are ego based horse shit. I say water-board her until her mind snaps, and then snip her fingers off at the knuckle.
From painting rocks soon to breaking rocks.

Next up: arresting people for carving their initials into things.

Why the fuck does anyone care about this?
Next up: arresting people for carving their initials into things.

Why the fuck does anyone care about this?
yeah our national parks should be covered in graffiti cause everyone with paint us an artist and just expressing themselves for our benefit man

an then we get sit around campfires and make smores and sing "fuck you vlasic"