So.... Is America great again yet?

because then all of the proud republicans will shame themselves into calling themselves libertarians again and we can have a shot at a real progressive candidate. we're already fucked on the supreme court nominations so we might as well hold on for the ride
ah now I see.... you're channeling the spirit of fool and kurayami and stone. it's like a séance. trolololol

I accept you realizing you dont understand how the federal budget works and to a larger extent, economics.

It's clear you think $20 trillion in debt needs to be continued and arent failing policies at all.

I accept you realizing you dont understand how the federal budget works and to a larger extent, economics.

It's clear you think $20 trillion in debt needs to be continued and arent failing policies at all.


how do these economics work? the war in Iraq that you supported was a waste of time and money, as well as being the birth parents of ISIS. pretty motherfucking please post me one NON WASHINGTON TIMES LINK showing this total for the cost of the war and payments to the veteran's widows. those crazy motherfucking fundamentalist muslims are just as crazy as the evangelical protestants who take church donations and give them to Israel to built settlements in Israel to bring about the second coming of Christ.

now we have to spend more money to fight them or they really will try another 9/11 stunt. yes yes the debt we have now is all the fault of social spending from the democrats.

get fucked

Barack Obama claims deficit has decreased by two-thirds since taking office | PolitiFact
how do these economics work? the war in Iraq that you supported was a waste of time and money, as well as being the birth parents of ISIS. pretty motherfucking please post me one NON WASHINGTON TIMES LINK showing this total for the cost of the war and payments to the veteran's widows. those crazy motherfucking fundamentalist muslims are just as crazy as the evangelical protestants who take church donations and give them to Israel to built settlements in Israel to bring about the second coming of Christ.

now we have to spend more money to fight them or they really will try another 9/11 stunt. yes yes the debt we have now is all the fault of social spending from the democrats.

get fucked

Barack Obama claims deficit has decreased by two-thirds since taking office | PolitiFact

Quote where I supported the Iraq war. Otherwise, stop making shit up and apologize for your ignorance or dishonesty or both. Thanks.

Look here, I also accept the fact that you are an altruistic thief. It's true and we both know it. You expect others to pay for shit that you dont want to pay for.

Since you dont understand budgets, you need to go back further than the iraq war; go back nearly a century when one of the greatest expansions of gvt happened -FDR. That highly over rated statist piece of shit began the decline of the US by raping the American Citizen of their property rights. Then the next great expansion began with LBJ, another shitty democrat, who not only expanded social programs but also mired us in Vietnam. Now go find out how much we have wasted on social programs since then. Now add the expansion by the current community organizer whose wealth of experience took us from $10 trillion to $20 trillion of debt.

Facts are stubborn things. I dont mind educating you, but you really should have a better education than this. I'll overlook your glaring ignorance to help you out.

every conservative on this forum supported the Iraq war and posted links claiming that we found WMD. what would make it even better, or at least more honest, is if you were smart enough to know that WMDs weren't the cause and that we were just after the oil. you're going to have to link me to FDR and property rights - I don't listen to AM radio or watch fox news.... seeing as you're keen to help someone out of glaring ignorance. what did Nixon do to expand social programs? here is a hint

American Social Policy in the 1960s - Social Welfare History Project

note the fucking link

if you're going to go that far back in American history, go far enough back for the majority of the country supporting unions because they were getting eaten alive. Obama is centrist - after his second SOTU, he abandoned any chance of real healthcare reform and became the greatest republican president the US has seen. if you want it more republican, you'd have to ethnically cleanse Africa and colonize there. trust me I know that you'd dream about this and spoil your sheets
I see you refuse to apologize for making a false accusation. How cowardly.

Anyway, why are you doubling down on making accusations? It's a sure sign that someone is getting there ass handed to them. FTR, Nixon was a crook.

Now about those property rights... : Executive Order 6102 - Wikipedia

Ouch. Fact is you lefties are thieves. Just admit it and we can

As I said, you are ignorant. From now on, make sure you take my word for what I tell you. Unlike you, dishonesty and thieving isnt in my nature. I am ashamed you are a fellow American.

I see you refuse to apologize for making a false accusation. How cowardly.

Anyway, why are you doubling down on making accusations? It's a sure sign that someone is getting there ass handed to them. FTR, Nixon was a crook.

Now about those property rights... : Executive Order 6102 - Wikipedia

Ouch. Fact is you lefties are thieves. Just admit it and we can

As I said, you are ignorant. From now on, make sure you take my word for what I tell you. Unlike you, dishonesty and thieving isnt in my nature. I am ashamed you are a fellow American.


your link states that the gold confiscation was done in other countries as well. history is full of nasty shit. sometime things have to change. you joined somewhat recently so I can't nail your ass to the wall with respect to Iraq war posts (plus you never probably never played T1 so I dunno you) but again with the smell test, I have a hard time imagining that you would have opposed the Iraq war. whatever nice try.

as a Mexican half-breed the only welfare thieves I know personally are white. my mom was on food stamps while she went to nursing school and became an NICU nurse then the DON of an nursing home. she deserves it, so long as she's white, right?

the problem is that policing these social programs in some cases costs more than the social programs themselves. you just have to hope that people do what's right and bring themselves up on their own. if your 20% extra income really means that much to you, take it... you have the majority. again, let's watch the right fuck the country with unbridled conservativism and force a *real* progressive congress and presidency in 2020.

knowing the crazy-assed religious right motherfuckers, the whole planet may go up in flames first,
your link states that the gold confiscation was done in other countries as well. history is full of nasty shit. sometime things have to change. you joined somewhat recently so I can't nail your ass to the wall with respect to Iraq war posts (plus you never probably never played T1 so I dunno you) but again with the smell test, I have a hard time imagining that you would have opposed the Iraq war. whatever nice try.

as a Mexican half-breed the only welfare thieves I know personally are white. my mom was on food stamps while she went to nursing school and became an NICU nurse then the DON of an nursing home. she deserves it, so long as she's white, right?

the problem is that policing these social programs in some cases costs more than the social programs themselves. you just have to hope that people do what's right and bring themselves up on their own. if your 20% extra income really means that much to you, take it... you have the majority. again, let's watch the right fuck the country with unbridled conservativism and force a *real* progressive congress and presidency in 2020.

knowing the crazy-assed religious right motherfuckers, the whole planet may go up in flames first,

Doesnt matter, confiscation is still stealing whether you like it or not. You clearly do not understand how important property rights are. That explains your thieving mentality. It has nothing to do with your skin color or your heritage and glad we can clear that up.

But it doesnt change the fact you are also an admitted racist. You hate white people, why is that?

You sound like you have an admirable mother and it's shame you are embarrassing her with your hateful, whiny and petulant attitude. If she worked as hard as she did, I bet she understands the value of hard work and property ownership (aka giving you the best she could).

The key is understanding that if you are for people making decisions for themselves, then you should be against people of being forced to do something against their will. Thats what charity is for: people deciding what to do with their property. Not 'confiscating' in the name of the greater good.

Go clean yourself up and become a productive member of American society. YOU determine your destiny, not your skin color, or your sex. It's a great Libertarian value and one you should embrace.

Doesnt matter, confiscation is still stealing whether you like it or not. You clearly do not understand how important property rights are. That explains your thieving mentality. It has nothing to do with your skin color or your heritage and glad we can clear that up.

But it doesnt change the fact you are also an admitted racist. You hate white people, why is that?

You sound like you have an admirable mother and it's shame you are embarrassing her with your hateful, whiny and petulant attitude. If she worked as hard as she did, I bet she understands the value of hard work and property ownership (aka giving you the best she could).

The key is understanding that if you are for people making decisions for themselves, then you should be against people of being forced to do something against their will. Thats what charity is for: people deciding what to do with their property. Not 'confiscating' in the name of the greater good.

Go clean yourself up and become a productive member of American society. YOU determine your destiny, not your skin color, or your sex. It's a great Libertarian value and one you should embrace.


my Mexican dad put her through school and then got an RN himself. what are you babbling about?
raise the taxable income cap for SS and increase the medicare tax a little. anyone with employee-provided insurance can instead buy into medicare as well. what the fuck do I need to make you a bowl of malt-o-meal as well?

raise the costs? raise the costs? raise taxes?

why hasn't anyone thought of that great fucking idea yet?

i wonder if anyone told them they could save Obamacare by doing this strategy...........LOL

edit: wtf people forced into ACA doesn't cut into the medicare budget. they're forced to buy private insurance. the ACA tried to shift the burden onto the states by forcing them to increase Medicaid funding but a lot of states opted out and that's a large part of why the ACA is fucked. by the way the ACA is shit so know that i'm not defending it

I don't think you get how the ACA works. Or anything works.

Maybe y u have so many dumb opinions?

22 States Are Not Expanding Medicaid. Heres What That Means for Their Residents: | The White House

Will you receive an Obamacare premium subsidy?

In states that have expanded Medicaid under the ACA, Medicaid is available to enrollees with incomes up to 138 percent of the poverty level

If you make under 138% of the federal poverty line you get added to medicaid

Guess what, that costs the program $$$

Only 22 States tried to fight expanding their medicaid roles.

The 28 States that did ended up costing them in a lot

some estimates up to and over 700 Billion already.

You can't defend anything because you don't even know how what we have works. How we got here.

All you did was prove that 28/50 States expanding Medicare has nearly killed it......while still pushing for everyone to get on that gravy train.
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i'm not defending the ACA... its centrist Obama bullshit - I supported Kucinich - medicare for all. ok now i'm out
I accept you realizing you dont understand how the federal budget works and to a larger extent, economics.

It's clear you think $20 trillion in debt needs to be continued and arent failing policies at all.


this is like arguing with Anubis

says debt and deficits do not matter

mad about austerity when that nation can't pay the bills.

no wonder some of these millenials are so lost. it reminds me of the kids who sign up for iphone contracts, buy the newest phone, unlimited data, then flip their shit when their bill comes in. they can't pay it and are threatened with service being cut off.

the injustice isn't in buying a bunch of shit you know you can't afford. it is in the bill coming due and someone expecting you to compensate them for the services they have already provided you.

we have an entire generation of these people who simply don't get it. don't understand how you can't walk into a restaurant, order food, enjoy your meal, and walk out without "neoliberalsim" trying to fuck them over when they hit the door.

i mean it has been case studied.....but is always amusing to see first hand