[Vanster Thread] Vanster creeping on girls selfie posts on reddit

I haven't been to a strip club since I was in my 20s.

But to interject some reality. Beauty is beauty, no matter how old you are. A beautiful sunset is still beautiful. A hot woman is still hot. At sixty, I still admire a woman in her 20s. But that doesn't mean I'm going to hit on them or expect them to jump into bed with me. I date women age appropriate, because I want more than a vapid college girl with zero life skills and daddy issues. And honestly, looks aren't nearly as important as when you're younger, that just means you're superficial.
Beauty is beauty, but if you're on the internet as an old-ass retarded failed and rejected indian giving e-knight "compliments" to 20-year-old girls on the internet, you're a total fucking loser. No exceptions.
Beauty is beauty, but if you're on the internet as an old-ass retarded failed and rejected indian giving e-knight "compliments" to 20-year-old girls on the internet, you're a total fucking loser. No exceptions.

No argument from me.
i think a cool strat would be to sit near the bridge midmap along the ravine on the home side of DX, and to snipe enemies as they fly by
If you have continuous problems with lag, make sure you are playing on fast servers with low PING rates.
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It was only 5 years, hardly a decade. What can I say? I'm a habitual person and I was terribly bored at that point in my life. Probably the same reason that you shitpost.
Okay, enough with the Van/ Fool comparisons. There simply are none. Let's get back to icvanster. There is still a cornucopia of material to "tap" here.

Hey Vanster, maybe you could post THIS POEM on reddit today:

"My purpose in life was to mate me.
I sang for a female to date me.
My song made the neighborhood hate me,
My forum can't wait to rate me.
I am angry as shit so berate me."

It's just so... perfect.
so what's everyone's take on fool's decade long dedication to posting white girls in skinny dresses

low energy ree-shitposting
low energy ree-shitposting
low energy ree-shitposting
low energy ree-shitposting
low energy ree-shitposting
low energy ree-shitposting
low energy ree-shitposting

there, that should cover your replies for a while.