[So] Apparently I will make blazindave's acquaintance tomorrow.

I have taken the liberty of going to get a coffee and use the interweb.

So apparently blazindave's shit is going on all day, I had thought it was a half-day sort of endeavour. Needless to say I am up way too fucking early for this shit.

He's a really chill dude though.

also I will negate his claim of "hot wrestling girls" because there are only behemoths and trolls thus far.

and if you ever want to see a bunch of stocky 5ft assholes waddle around like they own the place, a wrestling tournament is the place to be.. like rofl. Dave seems normal but some of the guys here are just too much.
Back to the races, gents.

I'm going to try to snap photos of Dave being pinned and smothered by another man so you guys can make hilarious photoshops later.
the only chick I remember oblibobli posting a pic of was anorexic and homely. He said she was hot.
Dear fags,

Why is this thread not at 10 pages yet?

I have some great pictures of blazindave humping another guy.
I shall post them when I get home

until then

keep trying to get laid

every effort counts

who the fuck (aside from someone with fetal alcohol syndrome) would ever think a wrestling tournament would be a place to pick up "hot chicks?"
I didn't know blazindave was a wrestler.

Why do you guys let Obibum bother you? He'll be a man in a few years and regret these younger years of his life.
Pics forthcoming. I went out for a few beers afterwards with some buddies and now am quite high.

but at some point

It's pretty sad that you had to bump this thread to keep it on the front page. It's even sadder that you did it without providing the pics that no one cares about.