Harvey Weinstein - Another pervert Jew outed

I didn't know it was the Weinstein Co that produced Bloodsport ;o

Next all white males will have their genitals removed at birth...
None of us are surprised that Weinstein used his position to get "favours."

But when he goes out of his way to destroy the budding career of actresses who wouldn't do any "favours" for him and the tribe colludes with him to blacklist the actress - surely by then a line of criminality has been crossed.
All Female Harvey Weinstein Story being cast now.
Also - This could work on Broadway as an opera.
I think Weinstein is a predator for sure. That said I'm sure some of the allegations are false and from actresses wanting victimhood points.

Also, what is it with these women who go in hotel rooms alone with creepy men and not expect a sexual advance? I mean, just don't go in the fucking hotel room.
It would be interesting to see how a bunch of US women would do (or react to) cultures like Russia or the Balkans.
I think it is clear we all, as males, owe women an apology. I also think they owe us a blowjob for that realization.
Its getting to the point now that these claims of sexual assault are looking more like PR stunts or career boosters
Just apologize and get this over with... We have all apologized to a women for shit that wasn't our fault.. how is this different?

I will tell you.. because this time men have no balls.
its odd cuz a bunch of the accusers have said that even tho they refused him, they still got the part in the movie/etc

so its not exactly like, alfred hitchcock and tippi hedren where he destroyed her career and blacklisted her from hollywood

i mean, he's def still a scumbag but if these chicks still got the job, then what exactly was at stake?

We all know girls who falsely accuse. I had a friend in high school who had it happen to him, and everyone knew it was bullshit because he's a peaceful gentle guy, and the girl is a total drama loving bitch.

If you know a girl who is the type to wear slutty shirts to show off her boobs, then complains "so-and-so was staring at my boobs all day!" That's the type. Avoid. Don't hire them. Don't be alone with him in areas without security cams.
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its odd cuz a bunch of the accusers have said that even tho they refused him, they still got the part in the movie/etc

so its not exactly like, alfred hitchcock and tippi hedren where he destroyed her career and blacklisted her from hollywood

i mean, he's def still a scumbag but if these chicks still got the job, then what exactly was at stake?


I always got the impression he was more of a "You'll get more parts if you suck it" instead of a "You'll never work again if you don't," kind of person.