also, i didn't know that psychologists made partaking in "adventures" as something that is classified as "mentally illegal"

fuck the system goshin.. you heard me say it first
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:lol: @ last few replies

Soup, i suppose that describes me pretty well
I'll go through bouts of pretty much all that
then sometimes i'll stay in my room listening to music for days and barely eat out of laziness

i dunno, i seem to be alright without drugs so i dont really wanna go get diagnosed or whatever

and if i got a problem yo you'll solve it
i didn't mean to be a downer i am sure you are fine. tw !=real life etc...

i cant solve my own problems i'd fuck yours up too
vanilla ice line baby ;)

Bew, my arms and face are tan as fuck. Torso is getting there but much slower goin

Soup, no worries. I'm pretty introspective when i allow myself to be. I conquered ADHD on my own and no longer take pills for it.
and ya maybe 4 years ago i thought about it and started characterzing myself as a manic

and someone who gets addicted to stuff easily
be it sex, drugs, rock and roll
or video games :o:
lawl pushups and stuff

EW we should go to a bar. I'm headed to the texas chili parlor on 12th or whatever in 2 hours or so
fuck ya
omy to the texas chili parlor on 14th

gonna eat some chili maybe
then visit my sister in law in the hosptial