Harvey Weinstein - Another pervert Jew outed

Weinstein has now been expelled from the Academy. That's a pretty bold stance from an organization that gives awards to rapist pedophiles.
What is messed up is 'the two coreys' have been saying there was rampant pedophilia in hollywood forever, and everyone practically shamed them for even saying such a thing
The NFL is openly killing itself. Hollywood will follow suit - and has been for some time.

We have been telling them that they are dipshits for some time now. That things like an all female ghostbusters is the equivalent of taking a knee for the anthem. They don't fucking listen.

So - what has America done? We have tuned out. They are having a hard time coming to grips with the fact that the latest generations get their entertainment from watching their peers do shit on the internet. You have to have some Rick and Morty type writing to get their attention. Otherwise? They will watch hours of randomness spewing out of youtube. Or twitch. Wake up asshats - go back to what you are supposed to do - creating quality entertainment and shutting the fuck up about shit that has no business in our entertainment choices.

Got a point to make? Put it in the content. Let people choose if they agree or not.

It's all going to shit motherfuckers. We are eliminating the chokeholds on our infostreams and entertainment streams. You dinosaurs will all be dead and gone soon. Freedom of choice will reign supreme. Fuckers like Harvey will be gone. SHAME on you assholes for letting him turn you into whores. It is sad that you live in fear of a little asshole just to fill your pockets. You sad little fucks. You made trades that now you realize are very shitty. Any of you enabling fucks should leave town. Any of you fuckers that condone any of this shit should be ashamed of yourselves.
The NFL is openly killing itself. Hollywood will follow suit - and has been for some time.

We have been telling them that they are dipshits for some time now. That things like an all female ghostbusters is the equivalent of taking a knee for the anthem. They don't fucking listen.

So - what has America done? We have tuned out. They are having a hard time coming to grips with the fact that the latest generations get their entertainment from watching their peers do shit on the internet. You have to have some Rick and Morty type writing to get their attention. Otherwise? They will watch hours of randomness spewing out of youtube. Or twitch. Wake up asshats - go back to what you are supposed to do - creating quality entertainment and shutting the fuck up about shit that has no business in our entertainment choices.

Got a point to make? Put it in the content. Let people choose if they agree or not.

It's all going to shit motherfuckers. We are eliminating the chokeholds on our infostreams and entertainment streams. You dinosaurs will all be dead and gone soon. Freedom of choice will reign supreme. Fuckers like Harvey will be gone. SHAME on you assholes for letting him turn you into whores. It is sad that you live in fear of a little asshole just to fill your pockets. You sad little fucks. You made trades that now you realize are very shitty. Any of you enabling fucks should leave town. Any of you fuckers that condone any of this shit should be ashamed of yourselves.

this x1000000000000

and no amount of their late night cucking is going to change that

or their history



back when they almost used to be somewhat amusing and/or funny

Crybaby Jimmy Kimmel: Guess what Pacific Pundit

which has long passed
The NFL is openly killing itself. Hollywood will follow suit - and has been for some time.

We have been telling them that they are dipshits for some time now. That things like an all female ghostbusters is the equivalent of taking a knee for the anthem. They don't fucking listen.

So - what has America done? We have tuned out. They are having a hard time coming to grips with the fact that the latest generations get their entertainment from watching their peers do shit on the internet. You have to have some Rick and Morty type writing to get their attention. Otherwise? They will watch hours of randomness spewing out of youtube. Or twitch. Wake up asshats - go back to what you are supposed to do - creating quality entertainment and shutting the fuck up about shit that has no business in our entertainment choices.

Got a point to make? Put it in the content. Let people choose if they agree or not.

It's all going to shit motherfuckers. We are eliminating the chokeholds on our infostreams and entertainment streams. You dinosaurs will all be dead and gone soon. Freedom of choice will reign supreme. Fuckers like Harvey will be gone. SHAME on you assholes for letting him turn you into whores. It is sad that you live in fear of a little asshole just to fill your pockets. You sad little fucks. You made trades that now you realize are very shitty. Any of you enabling fucks should leave town. Any of you fuckers that condone any of this shit should be ashamed of yourselves.

NFL isn't exactly cutting the pay of players down to middle class, movies are still making lots of money. Weinstein brothers made a pile of money by making movies that were cheap to make but were successful because they had good characters and good stories and got good casts on board because of the scripts.

When we do go to the movies even at a VIP theater that costs $25 a ticket it is difficult to get seats unless you order them early in the day. They can shovel a lot crappy movies out there because it is just entertainment.
NFL isn't exactly cutting the pay of players down to middle class, movies are still making lots of money. Weinstein brothers made a pile of money by making movies that were cheap to make but were successful because they had good characters and good stories and got good casts on board because of the scripts.

When we do go to the movies even at a VIP theater that costs $25 a ticket it is difficult to get seats unless you order them early in the day. They can shovel a lot crappy movies out there because it is just entertainment.

I don't know what planet you live on, but local movie ticket prices aren't half that, and every time I have been in the theater, the place is almost empty. I can't remember the last time I was at the movies where it was sold out.
fierstein weinstein berenstain bears, same difference amirite?

Do they:

each have decades of unbridled privilege?
Generations of non working family so rich that they won't ever have to work again?
Are they over entitled kikes with the world at their feet?

It the answer is "yes" to those three questions than for all intensive purposes here, they're the same because they are the same problem.

There's one thing I admire about Paul Pot: He threw the intelligentsia into the fields to work because after decades of living off the travails of others they had forgotten basic economics like "I work, I eat." They forgot they live off the work of others and should tailor their economic demands accordingly.

Hence the necessity to put them back into the fields to work. We have entire gov't bureaucracies that need to relearn this important dynamic. We have entire generations of over entitled pricks who also need to re-learn the importance of being productive and providing value.

A lot of economists pushed for outsourcing labor to third world countries in the name of "efficiency." How many of these fuckers were replaced by Indonesian talent at 10 cents on the dollar? What is good enough for you, is not good enough for them.

These are the people that need to be put into the fields.
Let's talk about the difference between a Bill Clinton and a Harvey Weinstein for a second.

I see Hillary getting a lot of shit in the news. I am not a fan of Hillary. But - here are my thoughts on the two...

I don't think Bill would use his power to make or break someone. I don't think if he got told "no" he would go out of his way to destroy someone. Weinstein would and did. I think Bill loves woman and loves to get laid. I think Harvey hates women and himself and loves power.

In my head, I think of Bill as just a stupid, lovesick puppy when it comes to his dick and women. I think of Harvey as a rabid douchebag who who needs sex only to appease his power trip.

Both are stupid and wrong. I just don't put Bill and Harvey in the same class.

Yea, seems to me Bill used his power as an aphrodisiac, Harvey used his as a hammer.
Gibson drunkenly stated that jews start all wars, which is true. Shitlisted for years. Weinstein raped women and was assisted in it by other Hollywitz elite for like three decades, and nobody did shit. GG
Money controls the world and that's it.
Once you got it, then you can talk shit.

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