Washing machines these days


Veteran XX
So our 25 year old Whirlpool washer has an issue I can fix, but after taking a look and realizing how gross (mold) the insides are we are thinking of getting a new set.

I want a no frills commercial quality set. No fancy screens, settings, etc. Reading reviews is damn near impossible to know what to get. Anyone around here familiar with modern washers/dryers and know what is heavy duty and built to just last. Like I said no frills. No efficiency bullshit that barely gets the clothes wet. I wanna toss whatever I want in there and know its getting cleaned.
I was told by an appliance guy to stay away from LGs. He said that they’re nice, but when you need service under the warranty, you can be down quite a while. He preferred Maytag. If I remember correctly he said whirlpools and maytags were basically the same, but maytags were best as far as warranty service went.

I don’t know firsthand, I’ve never needed warranty service. I do miss the simplicity of top loaders, they were always easy to fix. We currently have front loaders, they are much quieter, but I have had to replace electronics in them.

Edit: not today lemon
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I have a 30 year old Whirlpool. Steel. There's not even a pussy ass gentle cycle. Get that plastic shit out of here.
I'll ask a Sri Lankan. Oh wait, she's fucked off. I think we have a Samsung. Guess I'm gonna have to find out.
Analogue dial Speed Queen

I was looking at Speed Queen as it seems they build some heavy duty shit, but price is very high. I just can't bring myself to spend $1400 on a washer. If I have trouble with the new one though will probably say F it and spend the cash.

I was told by an appliance guy to stay away from LGs. He said that they’re nice, but when you need service under the warranty, you can be down quite a while. He preferred Maytag. If I remember correctly he said whirlpools and maytags were basically the same, but maytags were best as far as warranty service went.

I don’t know firsthand, I’ve never needed warranty service. I do miss the simplicity of top loaders, they were always easy to fix. We currently have front loaders, they are much quieter, but I have had to replace electronics in them.

Edit: not today lemon

Yeah I keep getting the same recommendations. Maytag and Whirlpool seem to be at the top of everyones list. Just got off the phone with my dad. Same thing. He said three things.

Make sure its a full size agitator. Fills water to top. No glass tops.

I'll ask a Sri Lankan. Oh wait, she's fucked off. I think we have a Samsung. Guess I'm gonna have to find out.

Samsung makes solid stuff, but they seem to be trying to push the edge of technology with their stuff. Lot of reviews that point out the more complicated they get the harder they are to use and more things can break.

I just want a washer I toss clothes in. Press single button and 45 minutes later I have clean clothes that can go in the dryer.
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Nothing built today will last 25 years (by design). 10 years maybe, 15 tops.

Mitch, this thread has nothing that you can relate to. What was the last thing you actually maintained yourself? It’s not your fault, you’re not American and really can’t understand the gratification we get when we fix something.

I don’t understand your world either, so it’s all good.
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"Pursuant to the Green New Deal and Great Reset, you went over your daily allotted water usage and power usage to do this load of laundry. Please try again tomorrow"
We have a Bosch front loader. Wife chases bargains and got a 2nd hand online thing. Has a scratch or dent or something on the side. I've never notice it. Works well. A friend had a business with laundromats. They used Maytag.. apparently they make heavy duty washers.
Mexico knows simple
No bells and whistles
We have a gas one in TJ
And an electric one in Mazatlan
Centros de Lavado | Lavado y Secado | Mabe


you want real simple
and probably best washer evar
no I don't have one, but next time I'm going to consider it
I give you simple


I don't think there's a water saving feature on this one
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the best advice based on every adult conversation ive had is…fix the one u have

You know those washers and dryers you all have hauled away for free when you buy a new one....
they end up in Mexico.
I'll take a picture next time I see it at the border.
Washers/Dryers stacked to the sky on pickups that look like their front end is barely touching the pavement
Mexico knows simple
No bells and whistles
We have a gas one in TJ
And an electric one in Mazatlan
Centros de Lavado | Lavado y Secado | Mabe

you want real simple
and probably best washer evar
no I don't have one, but next time I'm going to consider it
I give you simple


I don't think there's a water saving feature on this one

I have a sneaking suspicion that Plaz could fabricate one of those from stuff he already has.