[MEGATHREAD] Modern Warfare 2

somebody add me, my GT is Orale Tubero

im decent, i usually finish positive (average is like 15-12) and good at anything objective-based
i have a mic and im not a retard
Sorry for calling you a noob....

But seriously, playing ground war when you don't have a team of people that exceeds 6 is kind of pointless. Maybe GW is different on the PC then the console, :shrug: I dunno. But on the console, the only reason I play GW alone is if I'm looking for boosters to hunt.

I guess my main problem with the whole console/PC thing, is when it comes to this game specifically, there isn't any difference other than control method. And while I won't for one second say that controler is > than keyboard/mouse.... When you're talking about a game that was developed for the controller, and no one playing with the controller has to deal with a keyboard/mouse player.... Then console/PC is irrelevant, it's the same game either way. (unless someone is stupid enough to play on PC, with a controller.)

Anyhoo, off to work, I'll be on later for the usual.
Hey DV, sorry for running out on you the other day. got your invite while playing my last game for the night :(
I hope i can stay awake for some TW rape train tonight. I haven't played since Sunday and im having withdrawals!
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I hope i can stay away for some TW rape train tonight. I haven't played since Sunday and im having withdrawals!

i dont think grouping up with TWers is stacking a pub game. its called playing with friends. quit being an anti social elitist faggot and you might make some.

You sure?

I like having some element of competitiveness, not 99.9% know that I'm going to win. I played comp cod 2 and cod 4, so most of my 'friends' that play this game are also ass kickers. So even 1 or 2 of them with me in a 9v9 makes it rather laughable.

If some of you are bad, then fine.. but I find that hard to believe.

I'm used to dedicated pub servers where your friends are split up, and the game's relatively even.

But seriously, playing ground war when you don't have a team of people that exceeds 6 is kind of pointless. Maybe GW is different on the PC then the console, I dunno. But on the console, the only reason I play GW alone is if I'm looking for boosters to hunt.

I believe boosters go to ffa, but on pc i'm not sure that even happens since you can just download crap to change your rank, give you challenges, and there are no stats tracked that anyone cares about.

I'm used to finding big tdm pubs where you can get a large volume of shooting in to practice or warm up. The more people, the quicker you're back to the action. And the difficulty level goes up with multiple people shooting at u, making for better practice in pubs. Since you aren't going to get good competition in a pub, you try to make it up with volume.

Now, there's only pubbing in mw2, so not practicing for anything, but because that's what I'm used to, lower #s of people feel slow. Even 9v9 felt real slow when i started.

And noob tubes and all the other lame crap don't bother me much in tdm, because they at least have to shoot at you.. in the objective games they can just spam spots. Makes some of the dom maps lame, but usually if you marathon/blast shield rush b w/ smoke, you can get it before the spam starts and once you have it, you can keep it.
See, and we've seen a decline in the tubing in Demolition games... It just isn't as helpful as other things are.

|V|: I suck, you have to see me play to truly understand my absolute suckiness! I am the handicap to the TW rape train. Every one is a good player, some are great but our overall team work is what makes us destroy people.

We have no problem dying over and over and over to cap, protect or complete and objective.

That is why our train continues to rape!!
i'll be on at the regular time later tonight.... (around 6 PST)

get in my daily ass whoopin of kids.
i need some new mw2 partners, add me at killbottom88

i usually get on with a group of friends and we rape pretty hard but there are fewer of us available these days so its harder to fill out a group
i have been playing this on ps3 during my (permanent lol) visit to my parents' house

i have been enjoying the special ops bits

online isn't fun because i hate getting owned by 12-year-olds
God damnit... We need a new rule, you show up late and there are already 6, you wait till their is a spot open.... I fucking hate playing GW.

It's a clusterfuck and a half.
If I'm playing alone I prefer Ground War because games tend to be longer and there's a lot of noobs for easy kills. And you get more match bonus than just playing TDM.