Vanster vs TW

What's the best most economical vodka Vanster? You've already said Absolut is like lighter fluid. Asking for a friend.
take a look at this guy's post history

TribalWar Forums

nothing but dog shit for years. hates tw so bad, never wants to contribute anything of worth, but still stays here, every fucking day. fucking sad.
No. The word literal has been overused for at least the last ten years. There should be about a 50/50 split between literal and figurative. Maybe 60/40

The most overused word in 2021 is "perfect." It's worse than "awesome" was when I was a kid. is bullshit, just saying.
You are in no condition to invite a woman into your life right now. Take a break, give it some time, and relearn who you are before inviting a woman in.

When a male goes on the 'hunt', we lower our standards, and when we get older and "don't want to die alone", there is a rush to get someone, anyone really, to keep us company and that only invites more problems into our lives, and consequently, a waste of valuable time.

Take a break, dude, and find out who you are. You appear to be living in the past and are very concerned with image. You comment a LOT about how great things were 20-years-ago (holding onto the past) and comment a lot about how the world thinks of us, or how important it is to make a mark before you die.

Just... chill for a while. Take a year off. Or don't. It's your life.
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