Tribes : Ascend

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I see this as a testament to what a monumental game Tribes was and still is. Maybe they can capture a bit of what made it special.

I sincerely wish them the best in their efforts.

It's really quite amazing how many times a Tribes sequel has been tried despite having fallen on its face numerous times. Not bad for something that was essentially a fluke and merely a spin-off of the franchise that everybody actually cared about at the time.

I'm cautiously optimistic about this.
Sounds like they took the T:V source code with new content based on the time scale of release. I'm going to assume no modding and horrible physics. I want to care, but I just can't.
this thread is ofn someone made a new one about this.

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the UT3 engine wasnt around then so i would love to know what u r basing this off

Code is portable between the two with minimal changes depending on whats being copied, which in this case is mostly likely all of the physics required for sliding (T:V didn't have skiing) and jetting.
Code is portable between the two with minimal changes depending on whats being copied, which in this case is mostly likely all of the physics required for sliding (T:V didn't have skiing) and jetting.

You sure they would have access to the T:V source from Irrational Games?
Code is portable between the two with minimal changes depending on whats being copied, which in this case is mostly likely all of the physics required for sliding (T:V didn't have skiing) and jetting.

*shutter* What's so difficult about porting the T1 physics? Is there some kind of bizarre IP surrounding it? Also, wasn't the netcode the biggest issue with T:V? I remember the lag/packet loss due to some coding errors making it unbearable.
they better be advertising the shit out of this game sometime soon if they dont want it to be a $10 bargain bin game in 2 months after release

I can't remember if I posted is, but at PAX in the queue room (where you wait in the morning to go into the exhibit area) they have two big screens playing the trailer on repeat)
All the excitement that pops up on other sites every time Tribes is mentioned anywhere is pretty telling

If they do a decent job with this game it should get a pretty good following
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