Tribes : Ascend

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they better be advertising the shit out of this game sometime soon if they dont want it to be a $10 bargain bin game in 2 months after release
gotta make sure you get that box art right, since according to some people the only reason t:v failed was because of the box art.
Apparently the planned release date coincides with Diablo III and Portal 2. VGB.
(wow I still have an account here? o_O)

One can only hope this will erase the awful fucking taste that was T:V from the mouths of the gaming community as a whole.

I can't get my hopes TOO up, but the lightly scratched "shazbot" on the DS armor and the reflection of the disc hitting the generator in one of the shots gives me SOME hope.

*ahhhh nostalgia...*
I had a good team of non-cheating people. paid for our site URL.. Freaking rocking east coast server all for T:V... first real match against a team full of cheaters and we all quit.
It was pathetic... I thought we just had our asses kicked until we reviewed the demos.
I didn't believe the auto aim shit was real until my server admin got it and demonstrated it during what was to be our last practice.

Fucking sad that people can't play a competitive game with out fucking cheating.

I also remember when cheaters where ostracized from the community. Still should be like that IMO.
I see this as a testament to what a monumental game Tribes was and still is. Maybe they can capture a bit of what made it special.

I sincerely wish them the best in their efforts.
Apparently the planned release date coincides with Diablo III and Portal 2. VGB.
Portal 2 is getting released in April with Diablo 3 planned for the last quarter of the year. Still, there's Gears of War 3 and Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim to contend with in that time period also.
Tribes: Skypony is going to compete with Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim? Shit combine that with the release dates of Portal 2, Diablo 3, Farmville 2 and Kinect Dance Off 4 and we're in serious troubles.
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