Official Diablo 3 Release Date: May 15th!!

Who cares what kind of system it uses? Shadowbane was click to move and was one of the best PvP mmos. All comes down to the game. Diablo has always been a fun to play with a bunch of friends game. Never anything serious (unless you're some trader).
why do you have vsync on, you some kinda noob?

it look a shit load better w it on

seem sort of unsmooth or jagged or something w it off

many have complained of such a thing

game puts it on by default prob cuz of this

not an fps so who care etc etc
hopefully they optimize it with the next 2 months

so, the download option on battlenet, that doesn't get you into beta right
is there a reason to NOT keep vsync on these days?

your monitor is refreshing at at LEAST shouldn't make your FPS go any lower than that. Screen tearing is noticeable and annoying on large monitors