More Movies You Should (or Shouldn't) See

I finally got through The Hobbit that other day (theatrical, not extended)

TBH, I'm not sure I understand all the hate, it's really pretty good.
Effects are nice, sound is awesome, acting is a bit cheesy, but we are talking pixies and goblins, mi'lady and 'from whence it came' here anyway.

Maybe if you are a lore purist it rubs u the wrong way idk?

I'll watch it again in full extended mode when I get a 4K TV

It's been awhile since I've seen it, but what I recall is that they took a book that's only 300 pages and turned it into 9 hours of film by adding in a lot of filler and dragging things out that didn't need to be. Then they added a lot of cartoonish, over-the-top action sequences that make the films difficult to take seriously.
Romper Stomper - nothing like a proper brawl and Russell Crowe is in his element. Good soundtrack too

*batteries not included - Jessica Tandy and Hume Cronin are probably the only Hollywood couple who never got divorced. Ms. Tandy is always delightful. Also loved her in Driving Miss Daisy

The Black Hole - don't know if I watched the right one but it was good enough
im not sure if “purist” would be the way to describe someones issues with the hobbit.

theres nitpicking consistency if in adapted films but…the hobbit is on another plane of existence that doesn’t resemble the books at all. i wonder what exact % of the 3 films were manufactured nonsense…it might be close to 50/50

beyond the fact it added so much, the pieces they added were no good in the first place. all the extra bard shit, this cartoon disabled orc chasing thorin…legolas…tauriel is beyond retarded…the love triangle? the dwarves butter battle with smaug? unibrow jar jar binks?
Structurally it's a hard book to put on screen. The principal villain doesn't appear until the 2nd half, and is killed 3/4 of the way through it. If you make it a single film, you don't have any time for character introduction, relying entirely on people already knowing who they are, you have no time for LOTR easter eggs, and the journey portion has to be covered rapidly. Even at 4 hours, you'd have to bring in Smaug by the 2 hour mark and he'd be dead by the 3rd.
Structurally it's a hard book to put on screen. The principal villain doesn't appear until the 2nd half, and is killed 3/4 of the way through it. If you make it a single film, you don't have any time for character introduction, relying entirely on people already knowing who they are, you have no time for LOTR easter eggs, and the journey portion has to be covered rapidly. Even at 4 hours, you'd have to bring in Smaug by the 2 hour mark and he'd be dead by the 3rd.

it doesn't need a disney bad guy :/ Hollywood molds everything to similar structures. Could have been Pirates of the Caribbean: Hobbit edition ...
Be that as it may, there is a principle villain and he dies at an awkward time for a standard movie structure. I also disliked how in 9 hours of film most of the dwarves had less than 2 lines. It's bizarre that instead of developing them beyond a basic look and personality that they wasted so much time on nonsense.
is that the dumbass one with the barrel water ride? I had to turn that horse shit off right then and there.

Fuckin dumb.
The Hobbit was great until the battle of 5 armies. The fights were boring and pointless.

First 2 movies were great.
A themed list

Casino Royal
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Trent's score is the shit.
Layer Cake - +1 soundtrack
Tomb Raider
Road to Perdition
Knives Out
is that the dumbass one with the barrel water ride? I had to turn that horse shit off right then and there.

Fuckin dumb.

Add me to the Hobbit hating list.

Just because it's set in a make-believe world doesn't mean the movie should be stupidly unbelievable.

It's lazy writing and adding shit just to add shit.

Felt a lot like Star Wars - waiting years to watch The Phantom Menace.

Then Jar Jar Binks walks onto the screen.

The immense disappointment washes over you like a wave of tears leaving a patina of shit that you can't wash off for weeks.
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Add me to the Hobbit hating list.

Just because it's set in a make-believe world doesn't mean the movie should be stupidly unbelievable.

It's lazy writing and adding shit just to add shit.

Felt a lot like Star Wars - waiting years to watch The Phantom Menace.

Then Jar Jar Binks walks onto the screen.

The immense disappointment washes over you like a wave of tears leaving a patina of shit that you can't wash off for weeks.

Also a hater here. Didn't like the 'rides' and the boss fights. Really unfortunate choices were made.
The Sum of Us is another Crowe one that did well.

Especially good if you like poofs, because it's got poofs in it.
the gay ones
The Sum of Us is another Crowe one that did well.

Especially good if you like poofs, because it's got poofs in it.
the gay ones
Is there a LOT of poofs?

I could watch that if they did a Conga line but otherwise nah