[OFFICIAL] :bandit:

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Wow thanks, I've never been part of a social group. Do we do activities together? :shrug:

Yesterday was my first day of not smoking. I've got to cleanse my system in order to pass a drug test for a new job opportunity that came unexpectedly. I didn't sleep at all last night! Tossed and turned all night, it was terribad.

I went to the gym yesterday for the first time in 2 months(not because I smoke, I broke my collar bone/shoulder blade
), jogged for 15 mins, did a little work out and sat in the dry/wet saunas. I'm trying to get clean as fast as possible. I have a high metabolism and very little body fat so it shouldn't take me long.

I'll be back soon though, hope you all have some great sessions since I won't be able to for a while. :mecry:
I was practicing on my dirt bike, getting in shape and ready to race. I don't remember any of what happened or the following 2 hours as I was VERY concust. The guys that brought my bike and myself back to the truck said I had overjumped a jump and went down.

We then proceeded to pack up to head to the hospital and the only thing I remember is some guy giving me loratabs, and smoking a bowl immediately after leaving the track on the way to the hospital :bandit:

My friends told me I was saying all sorts of crazy things...including
Trying to call the internet
Called a random # trying to get hold of my mom, obviously it wasnt her, but I told her I loved her anyways. My friends asked for her #, and I gave them a 15 digit one.
Repeatedly asking what happened, like every 2 mins.
Told my dad we were 45 mins away from the hospital as we were pulling in, which my friends then told me to tell him we were there so I said to my dad "Oh, well we just crossed over, we'll be there in a second"

Haha I guess it was pretty funny, but it wasn't at the same time because they knew I was fucked up. I had a gash on my left hip that was about an inch deep and still vivid in detail now, 1 1/2 months later. So Im guessing I went down on and slid on my left side. Good news is, my bike is okay! Handlebars got tweaked and I need a new left grip, all is good other than that.
Haha, nice one. The first concussion I ever got was a bastard, I accidentally nailed my face on one of the barriers in Trafalgar Square. It hurt. Apparently I got freaked out because I thought the pigeons were trying to kill us. I just went home and slept it off.
So if you got a job offer that would ten fold your current job pay wise, location, etc you would still not stop smoking bud?

New job would have a weekly piss test.

nope, i feel too strongly about my right to choose what i do with my body...that and my strong desire to work for myself


just got back from a cheese class on wine and beer pairings :) beer won 3-2 got pretty tipsy and then hit up the strip club :sunny:
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