Live stream of #OccupyWallSt protest in NYC

I think the point that should be taken from this is that: after stealing trillions of dollars and shifting the debt caused by private companies onto the public working class - through either increased taxation or massive-spending cuts, only a few people were willing to stand together to demonstrate that they feel there is something wrong.

Of those few people, they were clearly threatened with violence, and made to feel fearful. This should be a warning to all of us.

The fact of the matter is that the attack on poor people will only continue, and the situation is only going to get worse. The rights (pensions, holidays, benefits, etc) that our parents' had, will be stripped from us, those rights that took decades to fight for.

The coming years will only strengthen the attack from the ruling elite upon the majority of society. If the workers of society do not band together, and display their solidarity, they will be defeated again and again. Currently, as this demonstration shows - without solid LEADERSHIP the majority are powerless against corruption and oppression.

There has been a fantastic campaign of brainwashing against different sections of workers - non-union vs union and employed vs unemployed. It's a brilliant tactic at dividing people against each other. The fact of the matter is that workers have to stand together. When a union loses its vacation-pay, many non-union members don't realize that it is a loss for all of society. As capitalism continues us toward a race-to-the-bottom we have to remember that the root cause of society's uneven wealth and disparity is not because a few people on welfare are costing millions of dollars, rather that a system is in place that allows for a few people to control trillions, (re: the totality of operations in society) and here's the crux: not for the good of society, but only to make more.

Incoming personal attacks.
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Was this the case even back when you were a "Thrasher with Skinhead Ideals and a Greaser Mentality"? :lol:
That hasn't changed really, just gotten more refined.
As a matter of fact, it's probably gotten more substantial. The entirety of this argument is a joke. The fact that there are people in here defending unions, when they do just as much political lobbying and are just as corrupt as the worst corporations (like GE... who miraculously is in bed with the LEFT not the right).
No on disagrees that the system needs reform, that's accepted by literally everyone. We have gotten arrogant, pensions, all that shit run by companies went RAMPANT for no good reason beyond our own arrogance. We literally became a society of people that expected too much, for too little, and had no personal responsibility. You pussies can whine and bitch and moan all you want... just because you can't get it done on your own, doesn't mean that all those who do are evil.
These protesters:
A. Obviously aren't that poor if they live in one of the most expensive states in the country.
B. Are a bunch of low life, pinko bastards fighting 'the good fight' with minimal understanding of the actual issues within the system, beyond the fact that its' 'not socialism' so it seems.
C. Are inarticulate, obnoxious fools who yield no credibility.

Obviously, in this crowd, I have no credibility either but that's neither here nor there.
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Oh look, kool-aid

So that pig came to the protester already held hostage, sprays them with pepper spray and then fucks off as if nothing has happened. WoW. Just wow.
Oh look, another anti-corporate stooge who swallowed union kool-aid.

There has been a fantastic campaign of brainwashing against different sections of workers - non-union vs union and employed vs unemployed. It's a brilliant tactic at dividing people against each other. The fact of the matter is that workers have to stand together.

pay attention stooge
So that pig came to the protester already held hostage, sprays them with pepper spray and then fucks off as if nothing has happened. WoW. Just wow.

Welcome to 'mmmmmurica. It's coming to a suburb near you! ...or not since you're in Germany. They have their own problems to deal w/ I'm afraid :(
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