[NRA] An open letter to the NRA

Caring what the rest of the world (who the fuck does that include apart from vocal minorities anyway) thinks is exactly why the world is so fucked up and overrun by dirty fucking nignogs.

We need to stop caring so much and start shooting a shitload more.
Hey guys, we should give up our guns and stuff 'cuz some people in some other country think it would make us look cooler. It's okay, no worries - wowbagger said all the cool kids are doing it.

Two guys are in a canoe, and the conservative of the 2 tells his buddy to get his shit together cause there is a hole in that end of the boat.
They want complete isolation from the rest of the world, and are very unhappy that it's going in the other direction. Unless they want to completely eliminate ships, jet aircraft, telephones, and the internet, they have a lot of disappointments coming in the next 2 decades.
why do you rage against me so, teratos? this is like the third time you've tried to shit on me in a thread. quit poopin' on me, bro.
Dear NRA:

I've hunted my entire life. My entire family has hunted all of their lives. I own many guns, as does the rest of my family. We do guided hunting tours on our ranch in Wyoming for deer, elk, and mountain sheep. None of us are NRA members, and until you change your methods, none of us ever will be. The government isn't going to be taking our guns or restricting our freedom to hunt whether you exist or not. The lions share of the money you spend is on defending the rights of gang-members and fringe militia groups, not anything productive, proactive, or anything that mainstream Americans actually care about. You do not matter.


I agree with this. The NRA sucks shit. I love my guns, but the NRA is fucking retarded.
Yeah, I'd forgotten about that. What a backfire that was. . they spam my snail-mailbox and email both. Marking it as spam and blocking sender doesn't work. .they keep changing their mailer daemon or something. ugh
Dear NRA,

Most kids are faggots these days and think that if you hunt or own a gun you are a red neck because they live behind an xbox360 and drink energy drinks all day and are socially deprived. Please add them to the hunted list because they are a waste of space.

Hugs and Kisses,

I was going to post something in retort, but Scooby beat me to it and probably did a better job.
w/e. I am one level above Life Member so I offset you whiny bitches. The only Redneck I know is 90 and he was an awesome Tribes broadcaster.
lemon being a member of the NRA explains much of his posting

from what i gather from scooby's alcohol induced post he thinks kids that play videogames instead of joining the military and shooting stuff with their guns are bad, and they will be hunted by his redneck brethren. cool, gotcha.
lemon being a member of the NRA explains much of his posting

from what i gather from scooby's alcohol induced post he thinks kids that play videogames instead of joining the military and shooting stuff with their guns are bad, and they will be hunted by his redneck brethren. cool, gotcha.

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