Let them build that fucking Mosque

If anyone wonders why most people think Americans are pricks, this thread is a good indication as to why.

They care nothing to learn of history.

George Bush himself was great friends with the rich members of Saudi Arabia's elites who have known links to the many hijackers.

Yet Americans like to cling to the idea that this is a result of "Muslims" in general. This helps them pinpoint their anger, although the irony is that it's pinpointing a larger group of people than they are themselves. Perhaps it's then a fear issue, turned into xenophobia.

Either way, the idea that building a mosque ten years later in an area near by where the horrible event occured, has anything to do with sensitivity is absurd. The hijackers were no more representative of Islam than are KKK members representatives of the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Of course that statement simply makes for a less interesting news story, and Fox News can't report it all day, get people involved in their fear and hate-mongering, etc.

The people that crashed into the towers were well-funded by your politicians and businessmen. They were not from Iraq, and nor did they represent Islam.

The worst part is the hypocrisy, where were your cries of insensitivity when you invaded Iraq and 10-30,000 civilians wound up dead. Where were you cries of insensitivity when there were no WMD's found, and nothing to link Iraq to the crime. Where's your fucking insensitivity there? What about when your own military couldn't get healthcare for themselves? What about when millions of Americans lost their homes? Wasn't that like last year?

Yet look at you pick this single event that is literally MEANINGLESS and attribute it all these emotional feelings, undoubtedly conjured up. I'd be surprised if you guys could feel anything. You're fucking sheep and you know it.

Brainwashed Americans, you make me hold my head in shame of humanity.

I guess the worst thing is that this shouldn't have to be said to people who are literate. I expect this to have to be said only at Nascar events and such.

lastly, the worst part of this is that because of your absurd attempts to link Muslims and Islam to the scene of the crime, we can no longer dissect it on the grounds that it should be dissected. ie. it must be seen (as all religion) as fundamentally problematic due to its patriarchal, misogynist & racist ideals whereby women and jews are treated as second-class citizens. before you get too high and mighty over this, every religion preaches the same unequal treatment of women and holds outdated and racist ideals.

you're pretty ignorant and stupid if you think people in your shitty country are any different and respond differently to same stimuli. maybe it's time to pull your head out of your high horse's ass post something that isn't obvious?
You may not speak out against the Mosque!

AUDIO - Rep. Pelosi calls for investigation of WTC mosque opposition - Washington Times

"There is no question there is a concerted effort to make this a political issue by some. And I join those who have called for looking into how is this opposition to the mosque being funded," she said. "How is this being ginned up that here we are talking about Treasure Island, something we've been working on for decades, something of great interest to our community as we go forward to an election about the future of our country and two of the first three questions are about a zoning issue in New York City."
You may not speak out against the Mosque!

AUDIO - Rep. Pelosi calls for investigation of WTC mosque opposition - Washington Times

"There is no question there is a concerted effort to make this a political issue by some. And I join those who have called for looking into how is this opposition to the mosque being funded," she said. "How is this being ginned up that here we are talking about Treasure Island, something we've been working on for decades, something of great interest to our community as we go forward to an election about the future of our country and two of the first three questions are about a zoning issue in New York City."

How the "ground zero mosque" fear mongering began - War Room - Salon.com

Jomo, this article contains a new talking point for you that you were probably unaware of - in reality, Barry O's dad was Malcolm X.

I am also curious how these proud anti-mosque Americans feel about where and when a confederate flag can be displayed...
it was unexpected that this issue would be the one to expose the teabagger's racist underbelly. I love this issue, it is going to END the tea party. END IT. because a bunch of hicks in flyover America (like JoMo) still have a hardon over 9/11 and just couldn't keep their mouths shut, per instructions...

it was unexpected that this issue would be the one to expose the teabagger's racist underbelly. I love this issue, it is going to END the tea party. END IT. because a bunch of hicks in flyover America (like JoMo) still have a hardon over 9/11 and just couldn't keep their mouths shut, per instructions...


The tea party has more approval than the top democrats. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

The generic polls are favoring Republicans.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Generic Congressional Vote

Congressional job approval is at 20%:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Congressional Job Approval

Only 32% of people say the country is on the right track:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Direction of Country

Not looking good for the Democrats at all.
It's never looking good for the Democrats. Great ideas, but no organization, and no balls. Same as in the 00's. And the 90's. And the 80's. Et cetera back to JFK

Spineless, always have been.
It's never looking good for the Democrats. Great ideas, but no organization, and no balls. Same as in the 00's. And the 90's. And the 80's. Et cetera back to JFK

Spineless, always have been.

Republicans say that about their party as well. They really hate McCain because he is viewed as being too liberal.
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I am also curious how these proud anti-mosque Americans feel about where and when a confederate flag can be displayed...

Burn The Confederate Flag Day

Burn the Confederate Flag Day is a protest against the right's exploitation of racial prejudice for political gain. We urge you to burn the Confederate flag, a long-time symbol of racial hatred, on Sept 12, the date when the racially-divisive Tea Party holds its annual hate fest.

Ways to get involved:

* Host a flag-burning party on Sept. 12.
o Tell us where and when you're holding it, and we'll publish a list of events.
o Send us photos of the event. We'll post them here.
o Upload a video of the event onto YouTube. We'll embed it or link to it.
* Let them know we're watching. Dress up like a clown and take a partially burned flag to a local tea party event (Don't burn a flag at the event unless local laws allow it.)
* Spread the word via Facebook (here's our Facebook group), Twitter, and other social media.
* Submit your own ideas, below in the comments. We'll use them to update this list.
* Place a banner on your blog, website, or social media profile. Here are a couple of examples you can use:

so much for the party of tolerance.

Republicans say that about their party as well. They really hate McCain because he is viewed as being too liberal.
Republicans have been nearly lock-step against Obama. They do not suffer the same problems of the Democratic party in regards to unity and resolve.

All of Obama's issues have been fought tooth and nail with the Dems having a super majority in the senate and majority in the house. That's kind of pathetic. It's that type of weak kneed lip quivering that makes the Dems piss poor leaders.
Why shouldn't they have a victory mosque? You guys even declared war on the wrong fucking country after the attacks, and you still haven't caught up with Bin Laden

Seems like a pretty clear cut victory to me, let them celebrate their defeat of the World Police :shrug:
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okay - so I guess you are saying you don't like it when people try to tell you where and when you can display a confederate flag... which happily proves my point.
nice edit... i dont like what?

the mosque being built? my emotional side says fuck no! fuck those 7th century death cult members. if they want to show tolerance towards, build the mosque near the UN building.

but i don't agree with passing any laws based off of emotions or morality but that doesn't mean i cannot express my opinion on these savages building a bomb building center so close to GZ.

or, are you talking about the darkies talking at a TP center where they destroy a neo-liberal reporter, the NAACP and many other neo-libs in the lame stream media.

*edit- on your edit. anyone should be able to display the flag anywhere they want but over and over in this country, we have people declaring the flag hate speech and have it banned all over. again, passing laws based off their emotions, something i am not for.
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Britain has been pretty multi-racial for a very long time, I don't have a problem with it

Shitty people come from all races and religions

It's getting worse, the more you 'don't care' the more freedoms you will lose and the more Muslim culture will infiltrate your life.
It's getting worse, the more you 'don't care' the more freedoms you will lose and the more Muslim culture will infiltrate your life.

When this stuff is actually affecting my life, instead of just appearing as bullshit rumours and tabloid news stories, maybe I will start to care instead of dismissing it all as baseless hate propaganda

I'm moving to NZ next year anyway. I don't like what this country is turning into - although I'd have to say that's more because of scummy white people than Muslims 'taking over'