[OFFICIAL] :bandit:

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about to :bandit:
and play some MW2.
I can't wait until weed is legalized. There will be so much high quality bud available! They're going to have all the different types in smoke shops and shit. You walk up to the register and be like "yeah i'll take 3 grams of purple haze and 3 grams of caramelicious


probability suggests it had to happen sooner or later in my so far 4 years of blazing.

got my first possession AND paraphernalia ticket on the way to a movie last night

all for just a simple little dugout with maybe .4 in there?

fucking pigs.

Naturally, I am an upstanding citizen with not even a fucking parking ticket on my record so surely that is to go in my favor.

The citing officer suggested I smoke more cigarettes (completely serious) so this won't happen again. :lol: I just shook my head in shame.

Welp, time to :bandit: and own the day.
El paso tx is a cool city :bandit:

Juarez, which is el paso's Mexican counterpart and neighbor (the cities are one in the same with the exception of the border) is the most dangerous city in the world. Such a shame. Right across the border there is a daily onslaught and it used to be a great place to visit. I would head over but I'd be too scared for my life. Nevertheless, El paso is a very chilled out place with great messican food and tasty margaritas.
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