Save America, Now.


Veteran XX
America is fucked. We're a hollow shell of the greatness instilled in us by our forefathers decades and centuries past. This ship needs turning around, the the 545 captains and chief admiral can't get the job done, and never will be. We need a new solution. One captain, one admiral. One surrounded by advisors. We need a benevolant Dictator. We need me.

Here are my course corrections:

politics -

2 terms. 6 year senate, 4 year house. 12 and 8 total. Campaigns last 2 months. It's all public money, you get no private cash. The only ads you get are mandated ads, say 5 tv spots on the major networks. It's the price the networks have to pay for being broadcast in america, tough shit. You want more face time, hold debates with your opposition.
No more winner takes all. Equal representation based on voter percentages.
To be ABLE to compete, applicants must first take a test proving they are competent.
Lobbyists are no longer granted the statuses they have. They are experts in knowledge only. no bribes, no trips with officials to soften them up. If people are caught circumventing this law, they are crippled with an injury that is permanent, and noticable. If they continue on this path, they are shot.
We need industry experts to help form policy. We don't need their corruption.
The reason politicians back in the day only worked 4 months a year, was because they had farms and businesses to attend to. They were a politician for 2 terms at most generally. This has changed, and the work load should also change. This is now a full time job, you're in session most of the year.
And, no bullshit riders that have nothing to do with the pending legislation attached to said pending legislation. Create a new bill for that. If it isn't strong enough to pass, merge 5 riders together and pass that.

Firstly, school for everyone will be year long through elementary, and maybe middle school (8th grade). Studies have shown the poorer househould children suffer significant set backs over the period when school is out, this will help children feel worth and that they are smart and shit. Will lend itself to less drop out rates, and hopefully begin balancing education between the classes that exist in america.
Religion will be barred from influencing science texts and any other class that does not need to focus on this subject.
Teaching to the test does not work and breeds complacency, as well as leads to disinterest in learning. Lets go back to what elites did in the 17th century. Have kids read articles, books, whatever. Not once, but a few times. Then have them keep a journal about what they think on the subject. Have discussions based on their thoughts. The teacher is there as a facilitator. This helps children learn critical thinking and insight. Honestly, they dont need to read Shakespeare if they dont want to. But if they know how to read, interpret, and broaden their knowledge enjoyably, they might stumble across and love the classics when they are ready.
Finance classes in highschool are a must. Maybe 9th grade just to catch the kids that do drop out, which will hopefully be lower. Sex ed focuses on condom usage and other birth control methods. Teenagers have sex.
PE to become mandatory again. 1 hour of running around outside, having fun and learning that not everyone will win at everything. Get your feelings hurt and strive to improve yourself, or get picked last forever.
If you're a kid and not in school, and we come across you during the day, there is punishment. Crippling is a no, apparently. Repeat offenders are publicly humiliated in a stockyard outside the school

get rid of the ridiculous amounts of sugar and sodium in our foods. That shit is not needed. Food tastes AWESOME by itself. Perhaps we can go back to having bakerys and mills local to population centers, as bread now days compared to bread 100 years ago is nutritionally bankrupt.

Our tax law books are stupidly huge. Abolish that bullshit and make a flat tax coupled with a luxury tax in addition to, as well as certain exemptions for basic necessities of life. Loop holes should get demolished this way. Estate tax for everyone. Trust funds dont give you a permanent tax haven.

Children are sterilized with a drug that needs to be created and tested around age 10. Doctor will administer during routine exam. If this does not work due to people circumventing or not going to doctor, we can figure something else out, maybe at birth. Anyway, once the child passes a test showing they comprehend basic parenting skills, life skills, and money management, they are given the 'cure' and can have kids. After 2, must apply for a permit for more children, barring financial consideration. This should limit or abolish abortions and that debate, and children ruining their lives because they didnt know better. Also welfare should decrease substantially, and might even be used for it's intended purpose!

wind energy is semi stupid. Ocean energy is crazy awesome. We would begin using more ocean current capturing technologies. Nuclear power would be the mainstay on land. Coal would be unsubsidized and used until the existing plants are too old to work. Funding for a Polywell fusion reactor would begin, with the intiail 200 million needed for a proving reactor after tests that are being worked on right now show promising data (sometime in 2011 or 2012). If this works, all coal plants will be converted (easily) to polywell fusion plants. energy crisis diverted. Otherwise, nuclear, ocean, solar. Wind in limited means. Upgrade the power grid.

A few things fall into this. More buses, bicycles, walking. Urban centers to become dense. Halt all new production on surburbs and giant sprawling cities. existing boundarie are it. Build up, not out. Businesses on the ground, condos in the sky, spaced with parks in the structure with open windows and soil/grass. Begin work on closed loop systems to allow these parks to remain effecient. Hydro farms on any levels would also exist, allowing cities to have fresh produce at a price and convenience unmatched in today's world. This dense population will then be able to walk to most places they need to go, take the buses if needed a bit more, or bikes/cars for longer distances still. No additional highway spending to suburbs. They dug their own hole.

Corn and oil/gas/coal and other ag, are all out. No more. Corn is found in every thing we eat, and it is nutritionally bankrupt. Make it dumb to plant, farmers will move into better crops and our health will improve. Biofuels made from organic materials that actually have a high % of return will be used as well, such as the best crop for the job, sugar cane (and hence why Brazil's biofuel sector actually works)

Amnesty for all illegals right now. Rework the immigration laws so less people attempt getting in illegally. They're going to do it anway, might as well tax them and keep records on them, make them citizens and have them utilized by the economy.

America is done being world police. We move out of Osaka, Germany, South Korea, the philipines. We pay for use of other people's zones for refueling if need be. But if some rogue nation starts being stupid, we're out. They cant hit us with rockets. Let their neighbors man up. Tired of being damned if we do, damned if we dont. Russia might invade germany!!!!
You're the 3rd biggest economy, deal with it. This drops our funding for defense by a metric shit ton, allowing us to pay off our giant fuck ass debt, or start to anyway. Cuts to social programs will help as well (since welfare is not needed now that you cant oops have babies accidentally or for money).
This area will need more refining of course
Apparently we need to ban women from the military, or make them the same as male troopers. Same bunks, same showers, Starship troopers.
Of course, coupled with the fact that I strongly believe in mandatory service for all americans from 18-20, not sure same bunk/shower would work. So a ban on women might have to go into affect.
But mandatory service right after highschool. Not for a conscript army (they suck), but to increase health in americans, and instill discipline. There would still be those that sign up, they will be combat units. The 'conscripts' here will be base units, non combat roles generally. Because again, they suck.

we have researched plans into nuclear rockets, but pussies who dont know what they are talking about scream and cry and hinder progress. Nuclear Lightbulb Spaceships capable of lifting 1000 tons to Low Earth Orbit, single stage rocket, reusable, get to Mars in 30 days (maybe less i cant remember)
Actually begin to get off this planet and do shit in the final frontier.
The closed loop systems in our high rises can be utilitzed in our space fairing endeavors.
Telescopes in L2 with big ass mirror arrays to begin searching for life, for real in neighboring star systems. If space companies need additional funding for send projects into space, or if said projects once vetted and approved need funding, fund these. There is no reason to cripple science into this area when we spend billions on CORN.

We have all these gigantic arenas pre-built in america. It really is silly to only use them for a few things.
Let me take you back to a simpler time, 2000 years ago.
We can have our stupidly large prison population begin a series of gladiatoral events, to the death if need be. using traditional weapons from the iron era, and suitable armors and defenses. Broadcast on tv, arenas seat a lot of people. winner gets a reduced setence or something. All prisoners not participating in the games will be tasked with learning a trade in prison. You go to classes where they teach you to do shit, build shit (the wire). When you are freed, there is no stigma. You do not disclose you went to prison. If you being repeat offending, the punishments ramp up, to 3 *strikes* and you are put in the games, regardless of your means or desire.

Decriminalize all drugs. legalize weed. Portugal has done this and seen extremely great results in the areas of addiction treatment and consul, and decreased ODs and diseases that are spread. This will also drop the prison population

Pull all funding from this first world nation. We can trade with them like normal people. They dont get more than our human space flight in AID anymore. This should help quell those in the middle east, and maybe make Israel act rationally and not be a fucking dumb ass bully bullshit state

I will surround myself with advisers who pass tests relating specifically to what they are advising me on. No friends or family will be hired just because they are that. If they have new ideas, different ideas, that seem to work better than my general beginnings, i will not be inflexible and will use the best path possible in forging a new, stronger america.

Thank you.
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All good ideas except the military one.

I particularly like the fact that we can kick anyone's ass at a moment's notice, and even though we're in debt up to our ass for it, I appreciate the technological research that has gone into keeping our military the ass-kicking machine that it is, and which has trickled back into the civilian sector for sooooo many modern conveniences and medical advances.

On a side note... Americans are way too fuckin stupid to ever accept any one of those points, anyway. Sorry Goshin, I woulda voted for you.
Some good ideas, I think you're off on energy and sterilization though. Wind is excellent tech, and sterilization is a fools errand. Too expensive and never very reliable.
wind energy is semi stupid. Ocean energy is crazy awesome.

Amnesty for all illegals right now. Rework the immigration laws so less people attempt getting in illegally. They're going to do it anway, might as well tax them and keep records on them, make them citizens and have them utilized by the economy.

fuck you and fuck them. rest is ok tho.
please explain to me how harnessing the most consistent thing on earth, the tides, is more dumb than trying to use wind, which is the essence of ever changing, ever moving and shifting?
please explain to me how harnessing the most consistent thing on earth, the tides, is more dumb than trying to use wind, which is the essence of ever changing, ever moving and shifting?

Wind is very consistent in many areas of the country, and it's far cheaper to build a wind mill currently.
i like your views on education, especially having financial concepts taught and breaking hands.