Harvey Weinstein - Another pervert Jew outed

u know who was a true hollywood legend

alfred hitchcock

now there's a guy that knew how to treat women

just ask tippi hedren
we dont need a movie, this was like... the entire plot of the last season of entourage

spoilers, ari gets back together with his wife and then becomes head of the studio

(but ya favreau would make a good fit)
Never gonna happen. Weinstein is still a powerful person in Hollywood even if his career is over. The amount of dirt he could probably spill on other people would ruin their careers. That's why everyone is pretty much dead silent on it. No way do they make a movie about.
Lots of pressure to stfu. Not much win behind speaking out. Better to settle quietly for more $$$.

they really love to discuss how they got to their position of superiority

and it is never through the cronyism and nepotism they bitch the most about with "fellow white people" arguments they make


how did this happen?

this is why we need affirmative action they say, but if you point out that the jewish thing is separate than the white thing they melt down in streets and scream (and their little dogs too)

listening to (((them))) brag about the reasoning really hurts.

Want a Job? Put ‘Jewish’ On Your Resume – The Forward

Your Religion Shouldn't Be on Your Resume (Unless You're Jewish) | Inc.com

because it is just more blind leading the blind and if you even begin to point it out to them you are anti-Semitic and possibly breaking the law..........as in all laws ivy league grads solicit for as lobbyists, become professors to teach about and promote more critical theory on, become lawyers to further enforce, become 9th circuit and SCOTUS judges to decide upon, and then become 1/3rd of our political representation (despite making up 3% of the country) to pass and legislate.

and that is how Stephen Cohen became partner at Goldman in four short years despite no brokerage history, investing knowledge, and being full blown dyslexic and possibly autistic in life (a self admitted diagnosis btw)
and while being vastly over rep'd in Ivy School admin's, are under represented in Dean's honor rolls.

Gary not Stepehn Cohen of S.A.C. Capital Partners fame. Gary must of brought huge cash into GS.
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Never gonna happen. Weinstein is still a powerful person in Hollywood even if his career is over. The amount of dirt he could probably spill on other people would ruin their careers. That's why everyone is pretty much dead silent on it. No way do they make a movie about.

Watch how fast those who didn't say shit jump on the victim train. Psychologically and from a human behavioral standpoint - these people are simpletons. I am keeping my eyes open for the rare person who says "I am ashamed of myself for not saying anything to warn others". Thankfully, there are people like Courtney who don't give too much of a shit and say what they feel.
I just took a peek at some of the Jane shit - it started out "I found out about Harvey 1 year ago". That's as far as I made it. I call BS.
srsly I don't see the big deal

dudes love the pussy and most of these chicks love to give it away

They are all adults, nothing stopping them from saying no and walking away.

Load of shit, manufactured outrage and drama, now give me a massage and watch while I take a shower
Joe Rogan said he always heard stuff about Bill Cosby before it was really public.

I have a family member who has worked in PR all throughout the 90s. She knew Tom Cruz was gay long before it was really a mainstream opinion. He also had a fetish for watching gay wrestling videos and pay actors who were in the videos to meet him and wrestle him.
you have a President who 'grabs em by the pussy' why are people surprised to find that pretty much everyone is a sexual deviant
you have a President who 'grabs em by the pussy' why are people surprised to find that pretty much everyone is a sexual deviant

If you think grabbing a woman by the pussy is deviance you're probably one of the most boring sex partners to walk the earth. If your male ancestors knew you were making statements like this they'd rise from the grave just to slap the shit out of you.
Grabbing your adopted sister by the pussy is somewhat deviant yes.

Your own consensual partner, not so much.

My point was actually meant the opposite but I didn't write it clearly.

Why are people surprised when they find out other people like doing sex? Especially powerful ones who get to do it to a lot more people, more often.
No one is surprised that greasy jew movie moguls pressure/rape little girls/boys. The point is that it's all out in the open now.

Christ, you are dumb and make Reggs look like Nicola Tesla
No one is surprised that greasy jew movie moguls pressure/rape little girls/boys. The point is that it's all out in the open now.

Christ, you are dumb and make Reggs look like Nicola Tesla

These guys are surprised:
Weinstein Company: Allegations 'an utter surprise' to board
Weinstein Company: Allegations to board | MSNBC

But this guy isn't:
Trump "not at all surprised" by Harvey Weinstein harassment allegations
Trump "not at all surprised" by Harvey Weinstein harassment allegations - CBS News

ps. Do you mean Nikola? Or did he have a sister of whom stupid people are unaware.
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