If they will not eat, then let them drink!

For anyone curious, this is a famous quotation from some Roman general/senator.. I forget.

They were about to engage (I think) Carthage in a major naval battle.

It was standard practice before a naval engagement to consult the Gods via chickens. The auspices would throw feed to the chickens, and if they ate, it was a sign that the Gods were in their favour and that victory was assured.

So on the day of battle the auspices did their ritual and the chickens wouldn't eat. So the Roman general stood before his assembled officers and said,

"If they will not eat.. THEN LET THEM DRINK." and he had the chickens tossed overboard into the ocean to drown.

He consequently lost the battle and was blamed for the entire fiasco, because he upset the Gods. But it's still a really awesome quote.
nah mostly just because TW is going to war against a coalition of barbarians in Grepolis today and my mind is geared towards ancient quotes.

And this one is definitely one of my favourites.