Harvey Weinstein - Another pervert Jew outed

I'm starting with the man in the mirror

well....see...that is where we apparently have it backwards

the goal is to apparently correct and lecture everyone else on earth until we are only left with ourselves and being forced to face our own actions

this is the way of the virtuous jew i am told

the ones who lecture us about feminism.....while being a womanizer

the ones who lecture us about wholesomeness at Disney, while being a closet pedo diddler shoveling kiddo smut and degeneracy

i mean just think about if we worked our priorities ass backwards inversely the way these people spend their life doing

My favorite part about all of this is that they still find time in between bouts of raping and molesting each other to lecture the rest of us on proper behavior and morality.
Define morals. I don’t see any morals anywhere anymore.

i used to actually be an advocate for gay marriage

i used to tell my liberal buds at work that i just hope it wasn't a slippery slope to animal fucking, child brides, and polygamy slave farms

and wow did they ever get mad at me for that........

now i realize it was exactly that.......likely had no other goal or objective and now i don't care about the homo agenda anymore than they care about my rights to say mean things online or my gun ownership legality

and here i was being a liberty advocate, thinking that we could all be free.......now i question if any of us can be free........as they demand that everything is a right to be free
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only if i were cancuck

and it were a maple creampie tart inside of a horse

Ted Haggard is a conservative I think

as were, I guess, just do any search for catholic priests and kids

I think Bill O'reilly is a conservative

and Roy Moore

Who was the wide stance guy...Larry Craig or something?

I'm not surprised that holllywood execs/actors are involved in anything

casting couch

I mean even NGFM could get laid there

I'm kidding, no he couldn't
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conservatives, shit-libs, i don't give a fuck. if ur a child molester or a rapist, u deserve to be beaten to death.


also to address the above about gay marriage, the whole slippery slope with having sex with animals is beyond stupid.
well....see...that is where we apparently have it backwards

the goal is to apparently correct and lecture everyone else on earth until we are only left with ourselves and being forced to face our own actions

this is the way of the virtuous jew i am told

the ones who lecture us about feminism.....while being a womanizer

the ones who lecture us about wholesomeness at Disney, while being a closet pedo diddler shoveling kiddo smut and degeneracy

i mean just think about if we worked our priorities ass backwards inversely the way these people spend their life doing

That is the difference between the way the Left looks at people and the way the Right looks at people.

If there is a problem, like say mass shootings. The right thinks that individuals should be responsible for their own actions and any change will come from changing the individual.

The left thinks that the change must come via changing society as a whole
i used to tell my liberal buds at work that i just hope it wasn't a slippery slope to animal fucking, child brides, and polygamy slave farms

and wow did they ever get mad at me for that........

I got called homophobic/bigot and zucced for like a week recently. Reason was because I factually stated Homosexuailty is a mental disorder and the LGBTQRSTUV agenda's endgame is the normalization of pedophilia.

They are mad alright. Mad in a hypocritical batshit crazy way.
What I said in the other thread... misposted:

As much as I hate all of these leftist hypocrite shitcunt faggots that are being accused and knocked down, let us not forget what lying cunts women are in general.

I'd wager a good 98% of all accusations are flat-out lies. Another 1.9% aren't exactly lies, but misunderstandings. The rest is probably real.