Nintendo Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii U

I honestly don't know what to make of the Wii u thing. Is it a regular wiinwith just a new controller (that only one person can use)
No, it is considerably more powerful than the Wii.

The CPU is an IBM Power7 CPU (Source) that is rumored to have at least three cores. It has 2 GBs of RAM (1 GB for games, 1 GB for the rest of the system) and a custom GPU based on the Radeon 7 series that is capable of DX10 and SM4. The CPU is the part that has not really had much details to go on. Satoru Iwata, the current president of Nintendo, did a preview today confirming other things, but it is in Japanese.

Anonymous developers have been reported saying the CPU could be a potential bottleneck compared to the rest of the hardware, but that it ran the current-gen games at higher native resolutions with better performance than what's usually offered today. Others were quoted saying they were able to dump their entire game/level into RAM and saw faster performance instead of reading from the disk during gameplay.
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i only play console games through an emulator now. i really dont care about next gen either because i know the games wont change, only the graphics.
It is incredibly confusing that their X/Y and A/B buttons are not in the same arrangement as the xbox controller

I know it's the SNES arrangement and they're just keeping with that, but that was so long ago
it's a nintendo console with current gen specs, which means you'll likely be able to play whatever big name titles (besides console specific games ie gears of war, etc) that are coming out between now and when xbox/sony release the next gen of console. plus, you get to play new zelda and mario games.

also, if you have friends, the giant gamegear is gonna be a hoot at parties for at least a few weeks.

is all that worth $300? idk yet

That's one of the problems I have with it, why would I buy Batman: Arkham City on the Wii U when I already have it on PS3? The same goes for any other games that are releasing for the Wii U that will be releasing on the other consoles.

Wow, Nintendo chose a speaker that gamers can really identify with. Seriously, that guy should be selling the pushover plunge, not video gaming consoles. I bet he's never played a video game in his life.

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at first I thought you had to do that shit with the pen while attempting to jump around but it turns out you give the tablet to your retarded friend to do that for you.

they clearly designed that brick of a tablet then came up with lame ideas to use it for.

gimmick fail

at first I thought you had to do that shit with the pen while attempting to jump around but it turns out you give the tablet to your retarded friend to do that for you.

they clearly designed that brick of a tablet then came up with lame ideas to use it for.

gimmick fail

Wake me up when Nintendo makes a new console that focuses on games again, instead of some retarded gimmick/novelty. Gamecube was the last good nintendo console :(.
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Yeah mu kids got a Wii for Christmas and played it for a month....since then its been in the basement packed in the original box....yea so no Wii U