Current news thread

I gave up on the NFL years ago. When Jay Cutler joined the Bears. So, I'm good.
A city is only made great by it's inhabitants and their actions.
CNN producer accused of coaxing parents, underage girls into 'sexual training'
John Griffin was charged with three counts of “using a facility of interstate commerce” to lure minors and their mothers to his Vermont home.

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Kevin Ware - ex NFL player - - they found a body while looking for your missing GF.

The remains were discovered in northern Harris County by Texas EquuSearch personnel, county Sheriff Ed Gonzalez said Friday, according to FOX 26. The remains were later confirmed to be human by the Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences, the report said.

You think it's her, Kevin? Do you? Can you muster up some tears and tell us how glad you are that she's coming home?
The former teacher.


The HS football star

She was gunned down. Mystery.

Now, he has been put in jail for life for killing another person.
But, everyone thinks you did it, Shelton.
Did you do it? Did you get jealous and murder her?


You are already in for life.
Might as well head down the road to a lonely death with a clear conscience,
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In response to Texas abortion law, California Gov. Gavin Newsom says he is working on a bill to allow private citizens to sue anyone who makes or sells assault weapons

Manufacturers should just raise the price of every gun going to CA by 10x.
Or - just refuse to sell in CA.

Would love to see how CA and the criminals would respond.

Also - CA will need to start suing knife companies, car companies. Just sue everyone.
I am not sure there is an amendment in the constitution that directly references abortion. I do know there is one referencing firearms.

Something tells me Gavin is just barking mad
I get that the people have the right to bear arms - but that's different than a manufacturer having to supply those arms. The cost of doing business in CA is astronomical for most companies. A CA surcharge would be awesome. And justified. On all goods and services. "Sorry, we don't do business with CA"
The agency that regulates California's coastline voted 5-3 Thursday night to approve a plan to drop about 3,000 pounds of poisoned rodent bait from helicopters onto the rocky islands off the San Francisco coast that are home to hundreds of thousands of breeding birds.

What could possibly go wrong? Dipshits.
I get that the people have the right to bear arms - but that's different than a manufacturer having to supply those arms. The cost of doing business in CA is astronomical for most companies. A CA surcharge would be awesome. And justified. On all goods and services. "Sorry, we don't do business with CA"

As long as they start by adding the fuck you charge to California government agencies.
OSHA said Saturday it would begin fining businesses that violate the federal vaccine mandate on January 10.

The 6th US Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday reinstated the mandate for businesses with more than 100 employees.
I hope that whatever timothy mcveigh thing you have planned with your kkk friends will not involve me