Star Trek beyond

Changing Hikaru Sulu sexuality is Hollywood being Hollywood and stirring up a talking point by deliberately creating a change that can't go unnoticed. Making a traditionally male character a woman, a white character black, a straight character gay... ect ect.

They do it specifically to the well-established and known characters because if they merely created a new character (like they should), no one would talk about it as prominently as when they do it to characters we know and love. It's a ploy to break a state of apathy and force you to take notice again.

The Entertainment Industry is shrewd that way because they have to be... they live and die by the amount of relevance their creations have in our minds.

Making Sulu gay is spun as honoring George Takei... and I guess, in a way I can see a genuine intention in that, but I also can understand why Takei declines the attempt at acknowledging the actor behind the character at the expense of the authors intention for the character when he originally created him .

Again, they do this because it works. For such a small thing, it generates a lot of attention.

I haven't even seen the movie yet and I already have a strong opinion to share about it.
im trying really hard to respond to your post but the giant I LOVE MALE CUM foam cowboy hat im wearing keeps falling over my eyes and i cant see my keyboard