More Movies You Should (or Shouldn't) See

i was gonna watch ass blasters 17 but i'm not sure if i need to see the first 16 to know whats going on
Glorious looks like it’s gonna be tight, dude has to stick his wiener in a glory hole to save mankind!

Check this shit out Keven Bacon luring LGBTQ to conversion camp belittling and killing They/Them. If they all died horrible deaths it would Be worth watching but I’m sure the little LGBTQ fucks come out on top.
No I have never heard of him. Been looking around and he has a few titles I would like to check out. I have a few books already lined up in my Kindle but I'm gonna check these out when I catch up: "The Cannibals of Candyland" "The Baby Jesus Butt Plug" "I knocked up Satan's Daughter: A Demonic Romantic Comedy" "The Morbidly Obese Ninja" "Cuddly Holocaust" and "Adolf in Wonderland".... I know they say don't judge a book by its title, but I already love these books.

I really recommend:
  • 'Ape Shit' (Awesome C grade, college break, cabin in the woods, grindhouse horror movie)
  • 'The Kobold Wizard's Dildo of Enlightenment +2 (an Adventure for 3-6 Players, Levels 2-5)' (A really funny take on D&D stuff)
  • 'Zombies and Shit (Battle Royale style TV game show featuring live people fighting it out in a zombie city)

Never yet got to read 'Ass Goblins of Auschwitz' but it has always made me lol, the dude should get awards just for his titles and whoever does his awesome cover art.
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Watched the animated 'The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn' the other day. It was surprisingly good.

All action, kids stuff. But if you ever read Tin Tin or have kids, it's a good watch. Lots of guns, alcohol and violence though, so if you are anti that sort of thing, probably best to steer clear.

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George Carlin - You are all diseased 1999

I'll have to find more of him. He's my alter ego
This is the End 2013

So many good scenes, especially Jonah Hill getting fucked by The Beast
Good news is my daughter was inspired enough to go to the library and borrow the Tin Tin: Secret of the Unicorn book.

so that's pretty good