uh... a heatwave isnt going to "boil sea creatures alive" lol... it has almost 0 impact on ocean temperature.

if its a small lake then sure
I am going to give you all some science on why humans are responsible for this shit. This is the hard hitting shit. The real shit.

What is your natural temperature as a human?
Oh yeah. You see where I am going. You cannot deny that it is around 98.6 degrees.
Just by existing, you are raising the temperature. Imagine if everywhere was 98.6 degrees?

So, this is why I love living in Portland Oregon. I have no doubt that I could start up a new business and "thing" called "Misting".

Bear with me.

How do you efficiently cool a human body without electricity? Evaporative cooling. So, you could start a thing in PDX where people wear less clothes and carry a bottle to "mist" themselves like at a concert all the time. Just, spritz that fucker on yourself to contribute to cooling the Earth's temperature. Fucking make an app, Sell the shit. Sell the ads. Make recyclable green spritzer bottles. Make people argue. All that shit. Tell me you can't see it? It has everything including a visible virtue signal.

This is getting too easy :lol:
obviously when you put 8 billion objects generating 98.6 degree warmth on the planet, it's going to start to heat up. :shrug:
What if you could start fighting Global Warming right now? Would you?
What if you could help combat the rising temperature of the Earth right now?
Well, you can. And we are going to tell you how. For free.
Get your skin wet and let the water evaporate.
That's it.

The science is simple. Humans operate at 98.6 degrees. However, we can survive in much lower temperatures. More humans equal global warming. Cooler humans equal a cooler Earth.

Anna Bågenholm from Sweden is proof

Anna survived after falling into a freezing cold stream and her body temp was lowered to 56.7 degrees degrees.

Wim Hoff? This excellent health enhancing technique regularly sees strong people getting stronger by getting into freezing cold water.

But, you don't have to do that. All you have to do is regularly mist your bare skin with water. *What is the best water? See below for a green alternative for naturally collected Pac NW rain water. But, any water will do. Just put it in a spritzer bottle and mist your bare skin. The more skin that you bare the better so the Summer months are perfect for battling global warming. *See below for bespoke, green mister bottles that you can customize to show your style.

What temperature should the water be? Great question. You might think cold water would cool you down better. This is not the case. Actually, the reverse is true. Cold water may actually raise your core temperature. A warm spritz tells the body to cool the jets. So, you want your mist water to be slightly warmer. The best place to keep your mister bottle is in the sun. *See below for more info on our green, sun collecting, customizable mister bottles. For every bottle sold we give back a percentage of the profit to the "Be Cool. Cool the Earth" program. Our bottles help reduce the temperature outside by acting like a heat battery. Some of the heat is captured and released at a lower temperature compared to the sun hitting the Earth. The shade also helps protect the Earth.

So, there you have it! Go shed some clothes and get that skin wet with a bit of warm water. Enjoy!

A woman owned, minority operated, carbon negative company.

QUESTION: Dear MRS MISTER, does exposing more skin to the sun raise the risk of cancer?
A: Great question. Yes, it certainly can. MRS MISTER recommends limiting exposure to the sun. The great news is that our reclaimed, evaporative performance enhanced water will even evaporate in the shade. We also offer an exceptional, thoughtful sun block that lets through just enough of the non-harmful rays to evaporate the mist water but not enough to promote cancer.

QUESTION: Dear MRS MISTER is your Spritz Water potable?
A: Great question Lilly! Yes. Not only is it drinkable if you need it but it is also enhanced for evaporative qualities with a number of vitamins and minerals that make it perfect for combating global warming from the outside or from within.

QUESTION: Dear MRS MISTER, is this safe? What about that Torrence guy from Colorado? Didn't he die by lowering his temperature too much?
A: Great question, Tawinda. It is true that a Mr John Daniel Edward Torrence from Colorado did pass away from too low a body temperature. It is important to note that this was not associated with the use of a MRS MISTER product. It is also important to note that he was a psychopathic white male.
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Jesus fucking christ. What a bunch of lazy fucking assholes. Using the condo collapse to stay out of the office.

(CNN)The historic Miami-Dade County Courthouse has been closed after an engineer reported "safety concerns" following the collapse of a condo in nearby Surfside, Florida, officials said Friday.
Courthouse staff has been directed to work from home after the engineer's report -- prompted by the Champlain Towers South condo collapse -- "identified safety concerns with various floors," Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava said in a joint statement with other officials.
The report "recommended floors 16 and above be closed to staff while repairs are swiftly completed," the statement said.

And WTF? It's ok to work BELOW the fucked up floors ABOVE?
CNN will try to tie any old events together to create a narrative or agenda.

We go live now to our correspondent in the panic stricken downtown Miami area.

Tyler - what can you see?
Well, we can see many buildings here at the moment.
And what is the temperature? It is hot. For another day, the temperature is above the US norms.
Scary stuff. And, how are people responding to these building and heat?
We asked a few people and they said that the condo collapse really made them stop and think. That perhaps it could happen elsewhere.
So they are living in fear with this global warming?
Yes. It is apparent they are terrified that this could happen to them at any moment in any building while the temperatures here in Miami continue to exceed daily averages from around the USA.
And the children?
Absolutely terrified
<Cut to Godzilla movie trailer>
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130 in Death Valley today.

Forever, you all will be the deniers and clawers at reality.
Now is the time for you to thank Fool for helping you hide. The future will not be kind to any of you as we try to unfuck this.
You could start helping to combat global warming right now by using the simple science of evaporative cooling.
It's so simple, I just wet my skin. So I am not only talking about global warming right now - I am part of the solution. How about you?

It's simple. Let's take two people for a start.
One who is at 98.6 degrees for 1 minute and the other who is at 98 degrees for the one minute.

How did the person get to 98? Evaporative cooling. They simply splashed warm water on their exposed skin. This lowered their core temp.
So that's .6 degrees of heat one person saved in ONE MINUTE.

How many minutes in a year?

That means one person can save the world 315,576 degrees of temperature in a year.
That's 9,467,280 degrees saved for the 30 people of TW if we are all wet.

Get Wet, Vanster. Help the world. Be a better being. Cool people do cool things.
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